Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Cycle of Joy ~ Energy update




With the solstice and full moon energies behind us many are feeling completely out of sorts. My family and I recently moved and spent our first week in the new house. As much as I love it, I am also frazzled. Things are still in boxes, I have no idea where some things are going to go, and I find myself feeling a little unsettled. When I wake in the morning and open my eyes, it takes me a few minutes to adjust to my new surroundings and the different energy of the house and property.  Though I am excited for this house, I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Then it hit me, it’s how so many of us feel energetically too.

You know intuitively that things have changed even if it does not outwardly appear to be so. You may find that some of your stuff doesn’t fit in your new space and you must let it go. It’s the resistance to letting go that causes us so much suffering. It’s akin to the box of stuff that I don’t know where it will fit that I keep stubbing my toe on. It’s time to just let it go.  Give yourself the permission to change and grow without judgement. It is ok to not know who you are and where you are headed. Explore yourself without putting labels onto the experience.

You may find that some parts of your life feel too small and that you need to expand your reality to compliment who you are becoming. This may look like the feeling that you need friends who “get it”, a job that is more in line with who you are, or simply letting go of those in your life who you no longer resonate with. You may also feel anxious and unsettled, tossed about without a direction as you get use to this new space. For some this new space comes with updated blue prints and new downloads, which also take processing.

Anything that needs healing is in your face right now and it will continue to get louder and louder until you deal with it.  If your job is stressing you, it will get worse until you decide to change. It could mean a change in jobs or a change in your perspective of the job you have. Likewise, things are coming to the forefront in relationships to be acknowledged and released. It is an important time to speak your truth, even if it is simply that you don’t know your truth in these moments. You may be able to see in others where their struggles are becoming more obvious, more in their face, and harder to deny. It’s a great opportunity to see why you are being shown this and where it relates in your life. It’s always easier to see some else’s patterns but understand you are being shown them for a reason. Use it to do some deep introspection about your life and your patterns. It may be that you are seeing how you were at one time so that you can see how much you have changed.

Your layers and masks are being ripped away and this can be incredibly awesome and it can also be really uncomfortable. You may find yourself asking “Who am I and where am I?” From Sprit’s perspective, this is a wonderful place to be, it’s the place where you are stripped bare of all the stuff that kept us from hearing your soul clearly. Some may feel unmotivated, that all of this is pointless, while others may say they feel that things have been reset and they lack direction. All of this is normal. It’s now time to trust your heart and figure out who you are now. We have all heard the saying “People don’t change.” I’m calling bull on that one. We do change and grow as long as we allow it within ourselves. Others may not see your changes as they are viewing you through old filters, old lenses. That is why It is your job to see the changes, no matter how small and to figure out who you are now.

In talking with a client’s guide today she said that my client and so many others are entering the “Cycle of Joy”. What was explained is that the client must now find what brings deep joy within. It is from this space of joy that one can embody their soul to the highest degree. To find what you love, what really makes your heart sing you may have to see what no longer makes you happy.  For some this cycle will bring all that is not in alignment to the forefront so it can be addressed. As you do the deep exploring of self with brutal honestly, you have to look at the beliefs and programming that surround everything. If you are doing things because you think you should and it brings you little to no joy, then you need to look at what fears arise when you think of stopping or changing your behaviors. Digging up these fears will show the beliefs and programming held within. Once they are brought to light, then they can change.

So many say to me “I don’t know what makes me happy anymore.” It’s a common theme through this process. Use it to explore and try new things: take a dance class, try fly fishing, or try different types of food. You can view this as something being wrong within or you can view it as an incredible opportunity to try something new. Think back to being a child, you didn’t know you would like something until you tried it. Childhood allows the freedom to explore, you may have tried sports, band, art or scouts, sticking with the things that you really resonated with. You are at that place again, enjoy it. If your childhood didn’t allow for you to explore, then here is the opportunity to give it to yourself.

Physically and emotionally, so much is happening and is so very individual. We are ascending with our body, there is no map for how we should be feeling as we go through this transition. Some may be experiencing intense anger, sadness, or a resurgence of fears and insecurities. Observe these and see it for what it really is.  Exhaustion, waves of nausea, diet changes, teeth and jaw pain are all normal. Some may be experiencing headaches, throbbing in the temples and sinus pressure as the cranial bones shift. Hearing may also change during this transition. I am finding that the more I tune into other frequencies, the less I hear in this physical world. The heart and higher heart chakras are getting a workout right now too and many label the physical feeling as anxiety. Secondary chakras are also being activated. The chakras in the knees are being hit especially hard and could be signaling a need for you to let go and be in the flow.

I have found that movement helps with this so much. It is hard to think of exercising when the waves of exhaustion hit you, but it does help the energy flow through you so much easier. Another thing working for me now is the sun. I want to soak up all those rays, it seems to soothe my soul. This is in contrast to the phase of this process where the sun seemed especially harsh and bright and caused my head to throb. Honor where ever you are in this process without judgement. Love yourself fully and give yourself the space and time needed.

Sending you all so much love and blessings. ❤ ❤ ❤ Thank you to all who share this work.


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

^^^ Picture credit –Samuel Forward.  ^^^^

Third Wave Moving Beyond the 3rd Dimension ~ Galactic Council of Light



We come to you today with important information to help you navigate this next period. Many of you can sense a quickening taking place. Time is becoming flexible, in one moment it appears to go very fast in other moments very slow. This is evidence of the lower matrices shutting down. All of humanity will move beyond the 3rd Dimensional reality during the upcoming solstice and full moon. While this is a momentous occasion it does not mean that the 3rd Dimensional matrix will dissolve, only that it is now able to happen.

In order for this level of the matrix to completely dissolve, each person must sever their ties and stop giving and receiving energy from this layer. Understand that this can only be accomplished by no longer allowing the programs of this matrix to operate in your system (your mind, body and spirit). While this is a very individual process that requires one to look deep into their beliefs, thoughts and actions, the energy streaming to earth is giving unprecedented support at this time. This may be hard to fathom as one looks at the world events. Much is happening to keep people fully invested in the 3rd dimensional matrix.

It is this reason that the message has been sent through multiple channels that it is a good time to pull away from all that alters how you feel within. Be aware of what you are allowing into your reality through the television, social media, and the internet or through other beings. If what you are exposing yourself too brings tension, anger, sadness or fear into your body, we want you to see how this negatively impacts you and all around you. Look at how in this state your personal interactions with others change. The tension within your form keeps you from releasing the lower matrices completely. At this time nothing is more important than utilizing the energies to help move yourself forward. As each of you separate from the lower matrix it destabilizes the construct allowing for more light to pour into and uncovering the illusion. The illusion is simply anything keeping you from accessing your personal truth and sovereignty.

We understand that many of you are longing for change, that you have glimpsed the possibilities of a truly loving and just world. We ask that you take that energy, that desire and put it into creating the new. As with all things, there is little use in asking those who are entrenched in the old to change their way of being. Instead, create or be part of the new and you will see that in time it overtakes the old like a tidal wave, no amount of effort will stop it. It is the way of change, one can flow with it or one can be overtaken. Think of the many instances on your planet where great change has happened in societal norms and even innovation. There were those that were told how improbable it would be that computers would be a common fixture in the home. If the innovators had spent their time asking the doubters to change, little would have. Instead, they held their conviction and created the new. This is what we are asking of you. Hold your vision and create the new.

As each of you awaken your personal truths will grow and change. Your understanding of all will deepen as you become more heart centered. During this fundamental time it is important to only honor what resonates deeply within you. If what you are exposed to does not resonate within your being, let it go. It must match what you feel deep within your being or it simply becomes another illusion that must be unraveled later. Understand that as you remember who you are what once resonated may no longer feel so. This is an indication of growth, not of disillusionment. Understand that each of you are masters or you would not be on earth at this time. No one’s truth is more valuable nor more correct than yours. This is an important lesson on your path to remembering who you are.

Some may find that the week leading to the Solstice and the weeks after are very intense and full of opportunities for you to release all ties to the lower matrix. Observe how you are feeling and what is being shown to you in the outer world. You will see where you are not in alignment with unconditional love for self and others. It is in those moments that you will be able to change your perception and return to balance. Balance that is not found in the 3rd Dimensional matrix as it is a place of duality. The more who do this, the more the lower matrix become unstable and eventually dissolve.Allow the energy flooding in at this time to assist you fully in your transformation.

We are the Galactic Council of Light and hold you in the highest regard.


Personal Questions:

Me: So there are multiple matrices?

Council: Yes, each at a different frequency and each operating within its own construct. The 5th Dimensional matrix is different from the 3rd just as the 12th Dimensional matrix is remarkably different than the 5th.

Me: With everything going on in the collective it is hard to not be affected. For instance the shooting in Orlando that happened recently.

Council: It is normal to feel compassion and do what you can to help the situation, this is a good use of your light. What we advise you to avoid is trying to change those that hold fear of others within their being. You will be unable to change those who are biased, as this work will begin once the person is ready. What you can do is be the example and hold space for those who are not able to expand within in these moments.

Me: I found myself full of strong emotions over my countries presidential race. I wanted people to see that regardless of who your personal preference is, there are serious issues with our democratic process. I found myself angry and judgmental. I then sat and thought of all the times people had tried to push their understanding and beliefs on me and how I had dug in my heels. Some I rejected because the belief didn’t resonate and some were simply because my ego resented being told how to think or be. I realized that is what I was doing to others by trying to get them to see my view. 

CouncilAn important understanding and one needed if you are to remain in balance. If you find yourself unable to stop this pattern of behavior, it is best to remove the temptation to react in this way. Overtime the pattern will be overwritten with a new one. 

Me: I have worked hard to step into my personal power and am finding that in my attempt to do this that there are moments when I have become inflexible. This has brought me angst and tension within my form.

Council: Understand that you are remembering within who you are. There will be moments that you are out of balance. It is not a problem, as long as you are able to learn and adjust. This is your time to find who you are but you must allow yourself the space to explore all sides so that you can find your balance.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle.  THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

^^^ Picture credit –unknown. If you know who I should credit, please let me know.  ^^^^

Understanding your Soul and Manifestation




Many of us have been working on our manifestation abilities as part of stepping into our power. At times it may seem as if things just flow to us and other times it feels like what we are projecting and doing everything we can and get NOTHING. It can be really frustrating and often times we go into self-depreciation, removing ourselves from the flow, our highest source frequency.

Over the past few years, one of the main things that I had been working diligently on manifesting was my desire to teach, write and travel. I want to see the entire world, feel the energy of all these amazing places and hold workshops.  In some ways I was manifesting perfectly the teaching and writing part, but the travel was missing.

I asked to be shown what I was not understanding regarding the manifestation of travel in my life one night prior to bed. One of the tools that has helped me greatly on this journey is setting an intention when I go to sleep to be shown what I am missing, what blocks I may have and even what next steps to take. Understand that when setting the intention prior to sleep it may not happen right away that you receive answers in your dreams. Have patience, what you need to know will come to you at the right time for you to understand and process the information. I do have a few clients that do not dream and for those clients I say ask to be shown what you may be missing, where you are holding resistance or where your next steps will lead in your waking moments. Spirit will oblige, we just have to remain present and aware to see the messages.

So I went to sleep with the intention of receiving greater understanding and clarity and to say spirit obliged is an understatement.  I dreamed that my family traveled to India for a woman’s symposium on the rape culture that predominates so much of our world.  On the way home in the airport my three daughters ages 21, 18, and 7 went ahead to get some food prior to boarding. My husband and I were nailing down arrangements when I threw a paper away that it turned out I needed. I reached into the trashcan and was immediately surrounded by police who claimed that my husband and I planted a bomb. We were held in custody but my children were allowed to leave. Fast forward 3 years, my husband and I were finally being released. My family was waiting at the airport and while I was ecstatic to see them, I felt so sad. My little one was now 10, she had changed so much as had the older girls as they were forced to take on the responsibility of their sister.  Everything had changed. It was gut wrenching.

I sat up in bed just sobbing and frankly a little pissed. What was I being shown and why? I calmed myself, centered and spoke to my highest aspect who simply asked “What upset you so much about this dream?” I replied that I it was that I had missed so much, especially in the little one’s life. I missed school events, soccer games, sleepovers, birthdays and holidays. I told her that I didn’t want to miss a thing. That these years with my children are precious and I already understood how fast they go as they flew with my older two. She then explained that my wish to travel and teach workshops is a good one but that the time to pursue that with abandon is not now.

My soul knew that if I had manifested exactly what I was intending that I would have not been happy… I would have missed too much. The weight of this settled over me like a lead blanket. Thank God I didn’t get all that I had sent out to the universe for it would have left me unhappy and empty. Yes I could have begun to travel, realized it wasn’t the right time and changed course, but spirit was saving me that heart ache.

It was then that I understood truly that manifestation occurs only when what we want is in alignment with the soul. That while the human may think that they want to go down a particular path that it is in their best interest, the soul may know different. Think of the soul as a spotter during a Nascar race. The driver sees things from their perspective which is limited as they can only react to what is in front of them. They don’t realize that there is debris on the track after the next turn or that a major wreck just happened changing everything. This is where the spotter comes in, they are stationed up high so that they can see the entire track. They are in constant contact with the driver providing guidance of the road ahead.

Your soul is much like that Nascar spotter. Our job is to create and maintain the open channel of communication with our highest aspect. We each have our own way of receiving communication, but what all the ways have in common is the need to be present, aware and trusting. The trusting part can be hard because the human can get really wrapped up in ideas and wants. I really, really want to travel and teach, but the time is not now, at least not in the scope I had envisioned.  If I had continued manifesting that reality I would have been shown in other ways that it is not in my highest good at this time.  We have free will at all times and this makes things very interesting for all parties involved. It’s the biggest improvisation in the galaxy.  Our soul may be trying to communicate that if we go down a particular road it would not be in the highest good at this time. Yet if we don’t listen and plow down that path anyway, the soul then set things up, (events, loss, contracts with others etc.) to help show us where the choice isn’t in alignment with our purest aspect. So we learn, grow and adjust our course. This is why there are no mistakes, even when we go off the intended course, we are still growing and learning, even if the lesson is to simply learn that it is ok to change your mind.

As we merge with our soul, which happens in layers, it’s not uncommon to find that your goals and dreams change. They can change in small ways and huge ones, our job is to allow ourselves the freedom to change without judgement or feeling that we have failed. Ten years ago my dream was to open a farm where at risk youth could work with animals and receive true unconditional love from them. I bought the land and within 3 months was hit by a drunk driver and seriously injured my back. I still persisted and adopted many animals all the while trying to figure out how to heal, afford the farm, and start this youth program. Nothing worked and I was in constant struggle. I walked away from the farm in 2012, I should say limped away because I was financially bankrupt, physically a mess of chronic pain and illness and emotionally I was heartbroken because I had to sell my beloved animals. It was then that I began my journey to self.  Now 4 years later though the idea of animal assisted therapy is still wonderful, it is not my work. I found my calling (at least for now) and I am finding that I do not want to be responsible for animals or the work of a farm. I use to garden, preserve food and cook from scratch but these days I find myself not even wanting to cook at all.  Who I am, is not who I was, and who I am now is not who I will be as I continue on this journey. I’m ever changing and expanding.

We can look at unachieved goals as a failure or we can see them as a learning opportunity. My memories from the farm are wonderful. I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned and how grateful for the experience I am. Every spring since then I can’t help but be amazed that just a few years ago I was helping goats and sheep with their births. I understand now why it didn’t work out, it was not where I was needed and it didn’t set my soul on fire as this work does.  That realization has helped me to no longer view detour from the original goal as failure, after all isn’t life about finding out who we are and what really gets us?

Allow yourself to change, allow yourself to grow in all ways, and allow yourself to trust in what is happening. When we work so hard to manifest a particular outcome and nothing happens, trust that there are better things for you on the horizon. Know that your highest aspect has your back in all things, he/she is your spotter through life. Our job is to connect to the guidance and co create the world we want for ourselves.

I hope that this helps you to look at your life and manifestation in such a way that you realize that you have not failed, not even once. You are finding your way, moment by moment, step by step and there is nothing wrong with that.

Thank you to all who share this work. It means the world. Sending you all and myself all the love we can handle.  ❤



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to

To keep up to date on the energy, feel free to join the facebook group:

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **