Tag Archives: suffering

Solar Eclipse is Turning Point for many- Sananda




I come to you today to discuss the recent energy shifts and what is coming in the near future. You are in an amazing time of rebirth and every man, woman and child is being given the opportunity to move beyond all that has held them in place. Since the galactic alignment codes have been coming into earth that are helping you to enact deep changes within all of your being. Your physical being is becoming more crystalline so that you are able to be the light. This is accomplished slowly because as you are accepting more light into your form, you are simultaneously clearing density.

These codes coming in act as a magnifier of all that is not in service to your purpose on earth; as well as to show you all that is serving your higher purpose. Things in your physical reality will become glaringly obvious when they are not in alignment. Likewise, these energetic frequencies assist you by revealing all that is hidden within the layers, deep in the cellular memory. If you see yourself as a giant recorder, learning from all things in this and previous incarnations you can begin to see how much is needing to be integrated. You have learned much from your experience, now it is time to let it go and return to your natural state of unconditional love, joy and gratitude.

We understand this process is not easy and many struggle with resistance from the ego and body. This can leave a person in physical, mental and emotional pain. Many are praying that this time will end and that they no longer are consumed by this process. The more light codes that stream to earth, the more the magnetic field of earth is lessoned and the more the world is polarized, the more some suffer. There is a way to help ease this transformational process. Find your joy. Joy is your natural state and the more you embody your soul, the more the absence of joy is magnified.

Think of a loved one returning after a long, difficult experience. You would not expect this person to feel joy in every moment as the difficult experience is still very real to them and you would love them unconditionally. When they feel moments of laughter, hope and inner peace you will also be there giving gratitude for each moment no matter how fleeting.  Now we are asking you to give this to yourself. Love yourself unconditionally, be patient and kind with all that arises within. When you do feel the moments of joy, realize that it is you in alignment with your soul and give deep gratitude for the experience. As with all energy, the more you give gratitude for the joy you feel, the more you align with the frequency of joy. Each time you enter this state you will be able to remain in it for longer periods.

The upcoming solar eclipse will be a turning point for many. Each person will step further into their authentic self. For some it will mean having the courage and strength to make changes that no longer are in the highest good. Some will begin to walk fully in their power, not allowing ego to hinder their process any longer. For others, they will begin to merge with the next layer of their soul, their solar aspect.

Each of these requires that you are able to allow light to flow through every particle of your being. This is why the deep inner work taking place is critical at this time. To facilitate this process we ask you to actively seek what brings you joy. This transformation taking place on your planet and within each of you is breathtaking.

We hold you in the highest regard.


Personal conversation with Sananda:

 Me: Matt Kahn had jokingly referred to those on this path as angels with PTSD. I feel there is truth in that.

Sananda: Yes, this is why we ask each of you to be gentle with yourselves and find joy.

Me: Many on this process find that they go into a deep depression as they sort through their layers and beliefs and what use to bring them joy no longer does. This leaves many feeling lost and confused.

Sananda: This is an opportunity to explore what matches your soul. Instead of seeing that something is wrong it can be seen as a blank slate to find what brings joy, just as you did as a child. Each time you expand your horizon it opens doors and pathways for your soul to find what resonates.

Me: Many are complaining that they are experiencing weight gain and bloating again. Why do we gain during intense energetic times?

Sananda: Not all do, but it is the bodies attempt to accommodate more light. As one undergoes deep cellular changes, the body often swells, feels depleted and dehydrated. Many vital nutrients are missing and this causes the body to be stressed.

 Me: What is missing and why?

 Sananda: Your soil is depleted and is unable to provide the nutrients it once did. Your bodies are also experiencing stress from the chemical bombardment.

 Me: What is missing?

 Sananda: Vitamin D and magnesium are key ingredients as is alkalized water. This process when combined with the chemicals in the body causes many to be acidotic.

 Me: Even organic?

Sananda: Yes, while you receive more nutrients in organic food, it is still not in the purest form as was intended.

I hope my questions and answers have helped you as they have me. I am holding all of you in the highest light and with the deepest love. May you all be blessed. Thank all of you who have shared and supported this work. It means more than you will ever know.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **



Perspective very important at this time – Sanat Kumara – 10/27/15



I come to you today with a brief message about the progress all of you are making. We realize that many of you are feeling the immense pressures from the light codes and the changes in frequency. Each of you is being pushed to your limits as the standards for your normal existence are changing in each moment. Once your form becomes accustomed to the current frequency, you then begin acclimating to the next level. From our perspective we are seeing tremendous growth and are encouraged by the effects each of you in this transition is having upon others. Each of you in the flow with your highest aspect, to whatever degree you are able to hold, is acting as a light switch in the dark for those just now ready to begin.

Many of you were accustomed to a lull in between the upgrades, but that is no longer the case. As soon as you have fully adjusted to the next level within your body, physically, mentally, and esoterically, you then begin the next stage. This was agreed upon collectively as each of your soul sources are anxious for these changes to take place so that they may merge completely with you. Each phase includes a restructuring of beliefs, the clearing of density, and then the upgrade to your physical form, your chakra system and accompanying blue prints. Some of you move through these changes very quickly with little resistance, while others may become stuck in a particular part of an upgrade. All parts musts must reach a certain frequency in order for the whole to move forward. When you are not in sync you may experience a sense of disconnection, a void, even confusion. Allow yourself the time needed to complete the current transition without going into fear that you have done something wrong. Look instead, to see proactively where you may be resisting. For some of you, it is your thoughts and behaviors. What patterns are you observing that no longer serve you. For others it is the inability to allow the body the time to process the upgrades easily through sleep and contemplation.  Not honoring the body’s needs will slow the process considerably. For others it is a resistance of the will, the inability to accept the soul source’s path.

You are being asked in each moment to examine what your thoughts are regarding each phase. It is indeed your thoughts that are the biggest contributing factor to how quickly you move through this process.  For it is even your thoughts regarding your physical needs that can cause resistance. What do you tell yourself when your body requires more rest than normal? Part of your mission on earth is to master your thoughts, your vibration; your frequency so that you can move through all of life with ease. Once you are aware of the impacts of your internal dialog and the programming that is responsible for those beliefs and thoughts, you will be able to rewrite the program and stop the dialog. The first step is awareness into how you have limited yourself and how this limitation is exhibited in your creation, your hologram.

What are your beliefs regarding this process? Do you broach each moment, each change with joy as you know the desired outcome or do you look upon each change with trepidation and fear? Has this fear, this suffering become part of your new identity as you work to rid yourself of other identities you have created in your lifetime? You must understand that you have agreed and have in fact earned the right to go through this incredible time but how you go through it is completely up to you. The outcome will be the same if you spend your days in joy or if you spend your days overcome by misery. Your thoughts and beliefs are clues to show you what you are holding on to, what you are resisting, and what is not in alignment with your soul. When you are not in sync this will be exhibited in your outer world. When you are moving in the flow with your highest aspect you will see this reflected in the world around you as well. You will be able to see the changes taking place in others, the growth, and you will feel a hope for the future. When you are not in this flow, you will see an outer world that is resistant to change, resistant to seeing the incredible possibilities that your world offers. When you see this, are you able to see this as a reflection of a similar belief in you?

Write down your thoughts, your feelings, and your experiences. These serve as a way to categorize your experience so that you may see predominating themes that are permeating your world. From this position you will be able to examine where the programming, beliefs began and rewrite them.  It also gives you the opportunity for guidance to work through you and give you support. When you look back upon your musings you will also be able to see your growth. We assure you that you will be amazed at how your perceptions have changed as you learn to live from your heart center more and more.

With our deepest admiration for your forward progress,


Personal conversation with Sanat:

Me: I was at the store the other day with my husband and this intense pain nailed me behind my left eye. My husband looked at me and says “What’s wrong?” Normally I would say that I had a headache, but for some reason I said “nothing” and then told myself that it was just an upgrade and that it would pass. AND IT DID! Really fast, within 5 minutes it passed. I told a friend who tried it when a pain hit her hip and it worked for her. So if I had said “I have a headache, would it have lasted?”

Sanat: Yes, it would have stayed as you would have claimed it and moved it into the category of programming that speaks of long lasting pain. Speaking the words that it is an upgrade and that it will pass, makes it so. You are also able to then see the benefit of the pain, that it was not present to cause you harm, but to help you to achieve your goal.

Me: There was an intense energy day and I was told that a galactic wave had come in that was designed to break up and end timelines that no longer serve us. This contributed to people feeling that they had “fallen” into the 3rd dimension again and done something wrong.

I then had a reading with someone who was experiencing this and she was told to look at moments like this as not “falling” or going backwards but as a rescue mission. That she was rescuing aspects of her that were still resonating with 3rd dimensional concepts and beliefs.

Sanat: This is a wonderful way to look at this part of the ascension process. It frames it in a positive light in a proactive way that allows one to see the intense work that is taking place in every moment. It is how you look at things that will denote how quickly you move through them. It is important to understand that all that you are experiencing is in your highest good even if you are not able to understand what or why things are happening.

Me: Others have experienced interesting dreams in lucid moments and in sleep of themselves but with vastly different lives and experiences. Are these also the collapsing of timelines that no longer serve?

Sanat: Yes, as you become aware of timelines and dissolve then you are also absorbing the lessons learned from those experiences.

Me: Many feel as if they are cocooning again, going within, not wanting to be near people or noise. Some have expressed that as they experienced this before, to experience it again makes them feel as if they are slipped backwards. 

Sanat: This is what I refer to as the beliefs associated with this progress. Instead of simply honoring the body during this intense change, definitions and beliefs are made that reinforce that this progress is negative and that one is doing something wrong. This very belief creates resistance in the body that slows the speed of your integration. Allow your body to do what it needs to do, without assigning beliefs to it.

I hope my questions and answers help you in the same way it did me.  Sending you and myself all the love we can handle. May you be blessed.


If you would like to obtain a personal spirit guide reading, please click on this link for more information. https://channelingthemasters.wordpress.com/loved-onespirit-guide-readings/ 

For information on personalized Ascension guidance sessions, please click this link.  https://channelingthemasters.wordpress.com/ascension-guidance-sessions/

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

You do not need to suffer – Saint Germain – Galactic White Brotherhood – 2/26/15



Why do you feel the need to suffer? So many of you are suffering. So many of you believe that yo must suffer in order to progress spiritually. Isn’t that what all your major religions tell you? That you must sacrifice, punish yourself, lay yourself bare before your God in order to show your love and devotion. Yet, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so imitate God, be love, be joy, be happy; for that is the true aspect of God. All other exists so that source can experience what it is not.

Many on the path to enlightenment suffer, while the path is difficult we caution that this too can become another layer of the illusion you must see through. It can be challenging to face all the aspects within yourself that are not in alignment with your highest self. However, do not make this your new identity. Those that feel stuck, beaten by the energies are often resisting the flow and change within.

Allow yourself to change, to flow into the new and align yourself with your highest good. Approach each new challenge, each symptom as a positive confirmation that deep change is taking place. When your body is exhausted and requires more sleep this is a sign that you are undergoing deep changes in your DNA, vibration levels and blueprint. Instead of lamenting the need to sleep, rejoice in it. When you are affected by solar flares, the light codes coming in, express gratitude for all that it brings forth. Without these, change, lasting change within your psyche would take much longer.

Many of use the violet flame for transformation and the results are palpable. I challenge you now to change your thoughts, transform your perceptions. Each of you are masters, each of you creating your reality. If you approach this process from an angle of despair, suffering, and lamentation that you are part of it, I guarantee that you will not enjoy the process as much and will in fact slow down your growth. When you exercise your psychical body you know that muscles may hurt during and after. Yet, many of you relish this feeling as it is proof of the hard work you did and that your body is benefiting from your exertion. You could also look at the physical manifestation of the ascension process in the same way. If you were not growing, changing and becoming you would not have any of the symptoms you do.

If instead you approach each change, each challenge with optimism and joy, you will find that you flow with the vibration of source energy and that is where the magic begins. It is within this flow of universal source energy that manifestation and change happen with ease. The more you maintain this frequency, the quicker that which is not in alignment will leave.

How do you flow with source energy? It is simple, imitate it; be love, be joy, be gratitude, be wonder. Look to your young children, do they not return to this state quickly regardless of their life circumstances? You do not need to suffer to transform your life.

Your humble servant,

Saint Germain

Personal Note:

This post brought up some interesting things for me. I can see where experiencing these symptoms and suffering can become an identity or another mask we wear.. In fact,  I have even felt the twinge of guilt for the days where I have felt fabulous, in the flow and supported by the energies when those around me are hurting. As I have been feeling more and more of days in the flow I had to release the guilt because the truth is, I still feel physical symptoms, they are just not my focus anymore. I also understand their purpose which eased a lot of fear for me. This channeling also brought up the truth that we have a choice on how we think and react to things. I know a woman who is on oxygen and in liver failure, yet she smiles all the time and is a joy to be around. She has a choice and a really good excuse if she wanted to be miserable, yet she CHOOSES not to. Powerful stuff.

However, there is also a part of me that understands why we suffer and I think part of it is fear, fear that something is wrong physically and mentally as we go through this process, so I questioned Saint Germain:

Part of the problem is fear, many, myself included, have feared that the physical symptoms mean something is wrong.

We understand that but ask that you sit quietly and ask yourself if there is something wrong or if this is just your body changing. Your heart knows the answer. there are many that share information on the most common symptoms. Look to those as confirmation but don’t allow the state of symptoms to become an identity.

What if someone sits with themselves but still fears something is wrong, should they go to a doctor?

Absolutely, they should seek assistance if only to find that nothing is wrong. Energy work, acupuncture and holistic practices are also options to help you ease the physical symptoms.

I hope that this channeling helps you and resonates deep within. Sending all of you love as we continue on this amazing journey.

Jenny Schiltz

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! ****