Tag Archives: purging and releasing

Incredible Opportunity Ahead ~ Sananda




It is important that you understand what an amazing time period you are living through. This is the time period when all of your lives, your lessons, and growth achieved come into one final culmination. For those that have chosen to ascend this is your graduation time. What graduation means for each person will look and feel different. Yet, the premise for each soul is the same. It is during this lifetime that you will remove all that impedes you from embodying your soul on earth. It is in this beautiful merging that you will understand the reason for your incarnations on earth and everything that you have gained.

sAt this moment, the accelerated timeline is anchored into your world and this allows each of you access to it.  With the approaching equinox, you each have the opportunity to leave behind the old and walk into the new. It is for this reason that so many of you have been experiencing deep releasing of the physical and emotional. It is coming forth for you to see it, feel it and choose to leave it in the past. While this may feel overwhelming and you may be at a loss on how to let go and move beyond what was, the answer is quite simple. When you are feeling burdened by your fears, your past, or your patterns, sit and ask your heart chakra to open to its fullest. Ask that you receive all the love that source has to offer and that this love help you to release all that is not stable within you. Allow this love to fill you completely and in doing so, show you the way. For there is only one way to the New Earth, only one path to Ascension and that is being and resonating with the same frequency of love that Source gives you.  As you do this more and more, you will find that all else is trivial, all else is divisive, that the only truth is within this great feeling of unconditional love.  This is not to say that there is only one path to feeling this source energy, for there are many and judgement of another’s path will only lead you away from your own.

We are asking that each of you suspend the beliefs on how you think this transition will be. As each of you are creating your own realities so too do you create your own limitations and disappointments. When you allow yourself to be in the flow of source energy, with all expectations removed, that is when you will be in amazement of all that will come to you.   When you have created within your mind an acceptable version of reality, of how things should proceed, you may then take yourself from the flow of creation energies and experience disappointment. Allow all to unfold in its own timing with deep trust and patience.

It is the linear, analytical mind that envisions a path and how things should appear. Yet it is within the heart that true creation flows. Many feel deep frustration because they have a sense of where they should be and what they should be doing and with this glimmer of a potential future they create a plan. When things do not flow in that linear fashion they then go into fear and doubt, halting the flow. It is much easier for those that are feeling a calling to simply allow what will to unfold before them. They may take steps to obtain their vision but they must remain open to all that comes, in this way you are allowing yourself to be dazzled by the beauty of it all.

It is understanding that even if you are feeling stuck, unable to create change in your life, that indeed you are right where you are meant to be. It is in these moments of uncertainty that much is learned. It is in these moments that one truly understands what trusting in divine timing means. It is understanding that finding joy and peace within in all circumstances is walking the path of a master.

We ask you to not only let go of all the layers within that keep you from embodying your highest aspect fully, but that you let go of all expectations. This is how you will best utilize the energies that are streaming into your planet. These energies will change all, how much depends on each person. Yet, many will look back to this time as the catalyst that changed everything for your world.

It is a great honor that we are able to walk side by side with you on this journey.

Sananda of the Galactic Brotherhood.


Q & A with Sananda

Me: When you were talking about not limiting your path with expectations it brought to mind what happened with the purchase of my house. Once I finally decided to buy a house I received the information that it would be fall time frame when I would find the right house. I received it not only from my highest aspect, but from another intuitive soul as well. I was fine with that time frame.  Three weeks later my husband came home with a business card for a house that needed repair. We went and met with the owner who then bankrolled the repairs, while my husband did the work. Once it was loan ready, we started the process of buying it. There were moments when I thought – this is the wrong house because this is April and the info I received was October. I decided to sit with the energy of the house and trusted that it was put in our path for a reason and went for it. I am so glad I did.

Sananda: Yes, when one trusts and allows you will find that you receive exactly what you need. It is the thinking that things must go in a 1, 2, 3, 4 sequence, not realizing that it is in the detour that what you really wanted is found.  

Me: You said that the equinox will be a time that many are able to anchor in the accelerated timelines into their own lives. Is it the only time?

Sananda: No, the timeline is available whenever someone is ready for that push. However, the energies of the equinox and the wave of frequencies that many call the Third Wave of Ascension will help many more to anchor in the frequencies. It is an incredible opportunity.

Me: I am seeing where people had things going smooth and now they are falling apart. It has left many feeling lost, confused, and thinking they have taken steps backwards.

Sananda: Yes, many are feeling the great shift of a higher timeline as their higher selves are pushing them in different directions. For many this push to the new is only seen by the dissolving of the old that will no longer be viable in the higher timeline. It may feel uncomfortable, but that is because it is going through the filters of expectation. If one can see each change as positive, even when things appear to fall apart, it will allow the transition to be much smoother.

Me: There is so much information out there regarding the third wave and the higher dimensions. Some of the information contradicts itself. It can be overwhelming.

Sananda: When you are observing and taking in information from your heart space, you will be able to feel immediately what does not resonate within your being. Understand that what resonates for one may not resonate for another, it is up to each person to determine their truth.

Me: I was told by my guidance team that I allow too much into my reality, that I need to filter more. When I inquired what they meant, they explained that I allow too much in through social media (I don’t watch the news).  I find that I am having a hard time balancing wanting to be socially conscious and limiting what I allow in.

Sananda: Yes, it is best for sensitive souls to limit their exposure. What you must understand is that if it is meant to be in your field it will be shown to you. For example you may be exposed to homeless or animals that are lost or stray needing assistance.  These you can help, one being at a time. Do not underestimate what acts of kindness can do. Furthermore, you may go to the store and in conversation learn of a situation in your world that causes you to think. Understand that it is you who created this scenario, you who brought it into your energetic field for your growth. When information comes to you through your media, it allows too much in at once and this disrupts your balance within.

Me: That helps. My highest aspect explained that I already know that there are wars, terrorist, corruption, crime, rape, animal, environmental and child abuse so then why do I need to dive into them. That I needed to understand that I could send these groups healing and love from my open heart chakra and this would help greatly. However, if I read a story on animal abuse and then send love, it wouldn’t be at the same frequency because part of my heart chakra would have shut down. So I will send love and healing and do what I can with what is in front of me.

Sananda: You will find that this greatly reduces anxiety and fear allowing you to utilize the higher energies much easier.

Me: Many are really blown away by the physical symptoms. Some are tired, some wired and can’t sleep. Some are having chronic conditions flair up and some are experiencing weight gain. My scalp and face have been tingling with the energies. I am finding I am either totally exhausted or have tons of ideas coming. Dreams are intense too.

Sananda: This is all part of you physical form adjusting to the light codes that are coming into the earth. You will find that you are not experiencing as much discomfort as you once did and for a much shorter duration. Your body is accommodating the higher frequencies much easier.

Me: Yes, that is true. I was lying in bed, resting but my back and hips were hurting. I said out loud “I give my full permission for these energies to change every part of me” I felt this giant expansion and then the pain released from my back and hips. I didn’t even realize I had resistance.

Sananda: Yes, many have resistance they are unaware of on a conscious level just as many are unaware that giving permission helps to release it.

Me: I was working with Metatron and a client asked why the weight gain and he said that the weight gain is the body responding to one holding the soul more and more in form. That the body will regulate as long as we don’t attach to it.

Sananda: It is a physical manifestation of the expansion taking place within each person. When one attaches emotion to it, it shows where there is dissonance within to loving oneself in all states and shapes.

Me: Thank you, I have talked your ear off.

Sananda: It is my pleasure to assist you and others.

I hope that this channeling and questions help you to navigate these intense energies. It really is an amazing time and the potential for growth is huge. Thank you, Thank you to all who share this work, it is greatly appreciated. Sending you all Love. ❤ ❤ ❤



For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit  Information on Obtaining a Reading or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: This incredible picture can be found at http://www.anewdawnarising.com/


Energy Update ~ Quan Yin ~ 5-9-16


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Greetings! We come to you today to discuss what is happening currently with your ascension process. Things are progressing as they should and have sped up in some areas. Each person is experiencing their own path in these moments, no two experiences are alike. For this reason it is very important to stay in your truth and what fills your heart regardless of what is taking place around you.

While the energies are very intense and many feel battered, there has been great progress.  Each of you are in the process of integrating aspects of self and realizing just who you are and also learning who you are not. This is a never ending process as each soul makes their way back to the moment of creation. You may be exploring your past lives, lives lived on other planets, parallel worlds and timelines. Many are having vivid dreams as they process and bring to light this information. While much of what you receive may appear jumbled and without purpose, the soul understands and knows that subtle shifts in your reality are taking place. These shifts allow for density to leave and for the soul to ground further in the body.

These changes in your perception may bring forth great emotion that must be worked through and released. This is especially important as duality is playing out on your planet and coming to an end for those willing to take that leap. We say leap because it takes great risk to no longer see fault in another, within yourself, or in situations.  In order to completely leave duality behind you must see that all are simply playing roles and not all roles are viewed positively. Yet, it is often this dichotomy that allows people to see what they prefer in their life. It is not about right or wrong, but rather about choosing which frequency to reside in. Likewise, it is often the ones that are deemed the villain, the perpetrators that help to see where you hold judgment within. Understand that judgement towards another is also judgment towards self. We are asking you to take a look behind the curtain and see the soul within each person. When you do, you will find a bit of yourself in them.

As one integrates more and more of their true self, they may feel as if they are disconnected or lost. For many this is not actually the case, but rather it is one adjusting to their new location, new vibration, and new understanding. We recommend grounding your energy and also spending time in nature to help your form return to its natural balance. You may find that excessive noise and electronics increase the unwanted feeling. Allow yourself all the time that you need to feel secure in yourself again.

Some may also be experiencing a feeling of disconnection as if their guides, angels and team of helping beings have left them. Rest assured that they have not left, but rather have backed off to allow you to settle fully into the feeling of your own being. It is the removal of outside energy during a time when one must come to feel and know their own soul.  The most important relationship you will have is with your own soul. It feels foreign and many do not trust this feeling nor the guidance given. Therefore, your team may leave so that you are forced to rely on self, on your own innate knowledge. Once the integration has taken place, the relationship with your highest aspect clearly established, your team will return. Some will choose not to have them return, to only rely on the innate knowledge, as part of their experience.  Understand that even with that choice, your helping team is still available and you are not alone.

The crystalline process is continuing and many are feeling the effects within the body. As the physical form changes to accommodate the light codes coming in, many are experiencing joint pain, exhaustion and body aches. Bloating is common as well as the gasses within the body are released as each layer of your being is changed: your cells and DNA.  Many are finding that what use to work for them in terms of nutrition, exercise, and sleep no longer do. Allow yourself the flexibility to change without going into worry that something is wrong. Listen to and communicate with your body. It needs great love at this time as it is your vehicle that allows your soul to come onto this plane and manifest your new reality.

With great love and respect,

Quan Yin


Personal Questions:

Me: I have noticed that my root chakra has been blocked off and on the past few weeks. I would check it with a pendulum when I would feel all bottled up, on the verge of anger, tears, or some type of explosion and saw that it was closed. I would then ask that the chakra open, feel it opening and spinning and then a giant release would come over me. I could even feel the energy moving down the body. Is chakra’s getting blocked, spinning improperly normal at this time?

Quan Yin: Yes, it is normal. At times the chakras may become unbalanced while you are in transition from one frequency to another. It is also an indicator of what may be taking place emotionally as you integrate all of your aspects. As you do this review on a subconscious level, it is not uncommon for fears to rise, it is this density that must be released. Being aware of your chakras and seeing it as a channel for energy to flow will help you greatly during this time.

Me:  I was thinking on the power that we have and how we must use it consciously. We have the capacity to give love far and wide shifting the frequency. We also can do the opposite by thinking things like “they will get what they deserve” “Karma will get them” etc. It is these thoughts with the intention that another feel pain or divine retribution that shift the frequency to one we don’t like.  It was then that I realized that I must send love to all, regardless of the situation because it is the only way to change things. It was an epiphany that hit me hard, I felt things shifting and releasing. Within moments my stomach acted up and I was in the bathroom. Why does that happen?

Quan Yin: Understanding your power and using it with the greatest intention is a very important lesson. It is realizing your importance, your role and embracing it with maturity. Once such great understanding is reached, density is released. For some density is released through the bowels for others it is through tears, sweat or the need for movement.

Me:  I seem to be having moments where I just feel like I’m a zombie. Not only is it exhaustion, but just this feeling of needing to be still. I find myself wanting to be quiet and just observe instead of interacting. There are also times when my joints really ache, particularly my knees.  What can I do to ease this?

Quan Yin: You need more water. As your body is becoming crystalline your organs are having to work harder to flush impurities from your body. This requires rest and more fluids, particularly clean water. It is very important to get in touch and communicate with your body, to understand the normal rhythm so that when changes come about you can infer if it is a problem needing attention or a momentary event.  Listening to your body in these moments will help ease your symptoms.  When your knees ache, your root chakra may not be functioning to move the energy through as it should. Understand that you receive energy from above and below. Any blocks to this flow will manifest as pain in the body. Tune in and listen.

Me: Thank you for all your help and guidance

Quan Yin: It is with great love that it is my pleasure to do so.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle. ❤  THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

^^^ Picture credit – unknown. If anyone knows who created the picture, please let me know. Thank you! ^^^


Energy Update: Facing the Fears Hidden Deep Within




One of my clients described the energy perfectly, it’s like we are in the boxing ring in the dark and we don’t know when the next hit is coming. Some of the energy blasts may affect you and some may not. Days you feel OK, your friends might be a mess. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this, but in the grand scheme, things are progressing perfectly.  It’s not uncommon for the guides to tell me they feel that someone is doing great only for the client to tell me that it’s been a horrible week. Their perspective is that sometimes our darkest moments, when we feel like quitting is when we are often releasing the most density and expanding our capacity to hold our soul.  It does not matter if you are just beginning or if you are bringing in additional layers to your soul, we are all continuing to clear our stuff. What changes is the speed in which we clear and our perception as we grow.

The magnetic field went down over the weekend and it is going to have moments of continued weakness. This lessening of the magnetic field will allow more to come into our personal energy field, it is the game changer, as it will speed up the crystalline process.  As this process continues, we will be clearing more and more. Think on the crystals as your personal projector. They magnify and send out all that you are, your frequency, your love, and your soul wishes. The more we become crystalline, the more we are able to send out. Our density is like mud on the projector and it changes what we put out. The more we clear the layers and density, the more we project with purity. It is each one of us, projecting our frequency and love clearly that will help to change all those around us.

Physically this will bring exhaustion that seems to hit out of nowhere and joint pain as more of our crystalline nature is activated. With this you will find major blasts to the heart chakra. These can be quite uncomfortable, breathe through them. If you feel that you need to cry, cry. Just get it all out.  All chakras are going to expand or open with these energies. The well of dreams chakra at the back of the neck, the higher heart or thymus chakra and the ones at your temples may begin to open or expand.  Talk to your angels, ask them to help you by clearing, opening and expanding all your chakras.

The energy is pulling up anything that keeps us from walking in our power. At the same time we are working on balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within. These can bring up waves of anger that come bursting out and may feel uncharacteristic. Look deeper then what is on the surface. Ask to be shown exactly what is coming up. It’s important to dig it up, what we don’t acknowledge will come up in other ways to lead you back to the core issue. Anything that keeps you from your true self must go.

Over the weekend I had a spat with my husband, a silly disagreement over who would clean the kitchen and cook dinner when we were both exhausted. He made a comment to me that I had been tired a lot lately. For some reason this just nailed me to my core. It felt like judgement, like he didn’t see all that I do. The anger that burst forth from me was tremendous and he looked at me with wide eyes and told me to leave the kitchen he would do it.  The inner pain I felt was so deep and at first I looked at the surface level and my ego was just screaming that if he couldn’t see my worth, then I didn’t need to be in this relationship. At the same time my higher self was saying, don’t be silly, he has stood by your side, been your best friend and champion since you met him 24 years ago.  So I got quiet and said “Ok, what is this really about, what do I need to see?”

I was instantly transported back to a scene where my parents were fighting. There method of fighting was brutal. They knew each other’s weakness and went for it, tearing each other down. This wasn’t a rarity in my home. I saw myself as a sensitive child taking it all in, silently praying they would divorce so that there could be peace.  Then it hit me… I have been waiting for my own relationship to turn into this. That scared child believed it was inevitable and has been waiting for the other shoe to drop. It didn’t matter that I have been married for 22 years and he has never torn me down. To the child, time doesn’t exist. I sobbed like a baby at the realization that after all these years I was holding a piece of me back. There was a piece of me that didn’t fully trust.  This had to come to light, to be dug up and acknowledged. When I had done inner child work previous, this had not come up. I wasn’t ready, now I am. You can’t walk in your power if you are unable to trust fully.  I asked how to heal this and was told “you already are.”

The next day I explained to my husband what I had learned, that it had nothing to do with him, but with my traumatized child within. He looked at me and said “The entire time we have been together the only one to tear you down has been you. You’ve been waiting for it to happen from me or someone else and the whole time you have done it to yourself.”  OMG, he was right.  I have been talking bad to myself before anyone else could do it to me.  I sat there and cried… not in sadness but in gratitude. I was grateful that all this came to light. I finally got it, saw the pattern and now I can heal it. I can talk to that little girl and let her know it is safe now, that what she saw wasn’t normal and it isn’t how love really is. She is safe.

I share this personal story because I know that I am not alone in discovering wounds and to show you how we have a choice when we are triggered. We can stay on the surface and see it from this level or we can go deeper and see the truth.  We have to stare our fears in the eye.

I was talking to my team about fears and they brought to mind one of the scariest movies I have ever seen “Open Water” a movie about a couple scuba diving with a group. They were left behind and were eaten by sharks.  I saw myself in the water and saw myself dipping below the water, opening my eyes to see if any sharks were coming.  They explained that so often people don’t face their fears and those fears become sharks coming from seemingly out of nowhere to bite off our legs.  That it is our job to name our fears, bring them to the light of day and deal with them. Really see them, even go into the worst case scenario if need be, to take away the fear of the unknown.  We have to see them, dig them out and take away the hold they have on us.  All that keeps us from our truest aspect must go.

I hope that all of you are doing well and doing the deep, necessary work as we progress full steam ahead.  This is a time when we are integrating all our aspects, timelines, and merging with our soul moment by moment.  Sending you and I all the love and blessings we can handle. ❤



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Walking in your Mastery



So much is happening energetically and we can feel all over the place with our emotions. We are clearing timelines, past lives and patterns that need to go. The way we do this is by acknowledging what comes up, recognizing it for what it is and then choosing different. So many are tired of rehashing the same stuff over and over again. Good! That is a great place to be because it is from this stand point that you can change it. Now is the time to walk in YOUR mastery.

Once you understand that each person creates their own hologram, their own personal reality then you can start to master shifting your perceptions and outcomes. Think of each emotion as a frequency on a radio dial. If you don’t like what you are experiencing then change the channel. We do this by focusing on what we do want in our life.  I found myself the other day really feeling insecure in my marriage, insecure with my physical body, insecure with loving and being loved. It felt awful and I went into victimhood wanting to blame my husband for the feelings. Thankfully I didn’t but instead really looked at it and realized it was old patterns coming up to be released. It was also pretty eye opening because I remember the early years of our marriage being rife with misunderstandings because I was not ok with me. I saw how I would create drama just in an attempt to soothe my fears and insecurities. Thankfully I grew past this need as I worked on loving myself more and we are celebrating 22 years of marriage in July. So as I sat with those emotions of feeling unworthy I decided that I didn’t want to be in that reality (frequency). I told myself very clearly that I no longer needed to feel that way and that I was moving to the reality where I love myself and feel loved and whole… and it worked. I felt myself shift. Just a little increment at first, so I affirmed which reality I wanted again and then felt myself shift more. The density of the previous frequency lifted as did the feeling of being inadequate.

This is a skill we are remembering on this journey and it goes against all the programming and conditioning we have been exposed to our entire life. We have the power to change our frequency at any time and it literally changes the reality we find ourselves in. You are already doing this in so many ways. When we are down we call a friend, chat on social media, watch cat videos, read, watch TV, go outside, meditate, exercise or take a bath etc. We do whatever it takes to shift the energy. Much of our stuff has resurfaced to help us practice this skill and it does take practice and patience. Each time we shift we are remembering who we are as we master our own energy.

Part of mastering your own process is seeing that all is in your highest good and letting go of the “I should or shouldn’t”. It is realizing that all is there to help you if you choose to see it that way. I had a client recently tell me about a shift in her perception that occurred while watching a TV show. She said “I know I shouldn’t watch TV, but…” She was watching a good guy vs bad guy show when it hit her that the good guys were not all good and the bad guys were not all bad. This helped her to release judgement and see clearly into duality.  How wonderful! Since January I watched all the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix. Why? Because it helped me to cry. I realized that my mind would turn to watching the show whenever I felt bottled up inside but unable to release. The show would always make me cry which then turned into this incredible soul releasing sob. It was exactly what I needed. Yet if I had told myself “you shouldn’t watch television” I would have missed the incredible healing opportunity. When you catch yourself saying “I should or shouldn’t” really look and see who created that rule.

This energy that is coming in is very intense and destabilizing. It shakes us to our core and exposes all that is not in alignment, so that we can fix it and change the frequency (vibration) that we find ourselves in. It is also destabilizing us physically. Old health issues are coming up again so that we can look at them, see the lessons it taught us and to see any lingering fears that accompanied a health crisis.  Quite a few of us chose to begin the awakening process through profound issues with our health and it literally changed everything. Look at what is coming up now and the thoughts and fears you have associated with it. Then again choose how you look at it and this perception change will literally shift your frequency.

I was working with a client the other day who was getting messages that she needed to eat meat and this would be a diet change for her. The guides confirmed that with these energies she needs the grounding effect of meat as she was literally floating out of her body. I too have had to change my diet in the recent month to incorporate meat. My higher self said that that I needed to eat animals products as these help to ground our bodies in ways that other grounding foods such as potatoes could not. I finally listened after my third fall. I was operating from above the body instead of being fully grounded. This is not safe and causes lower limb pain to increase as the body struggles to ground.  When I fell down the steps my highest aspect questioned why I choose to ignore the body’s needs and it was then that I realized that I was repeating the thoughts “to have a high vibration I must not eat meat”. While this can be true and being vegetarian definitely helped clear and open me, in these moments I need meat until I no longer do. Honoring what the body needs to thrive regardless of belief systems is walking in your mastery.

Now is the time to suspend judgement. Judgement of self and others, of what is good vs. bad or right vs. wrong. None of these exist anyway. All Just IS. When we feel ourselves going into judgment look and see where the thoughts and beliefs came from. Each person is here to experience exactly what their soul needs for growth. Who are we to judge what that appears as? Suspend all the judgement of how you “think” this process should be going, how you are personally progressing and the comparison to others. No one is on the same journey as you. We each have different needs and goals. Holding yourself to standards will only hinder your progress. Walking in your mastery means that you do exactly what is right for you regardless of the thoughts and opinions of others (even your own thinking mind). It is honoring the soul and seeing that all is rigged to help you in some way.

So watch TV or don’t. Eat meat or don’t. Exercise or don’t. Meditate or don’t. Do whatever your soul is telling you in these moments without thinking twice.  Honor yourself and walk in your mastery.

Don’t forget that we are works in progress as we let go of our limitations, beliefs, and fears. Be easy on yourself and others as we remember who we are. Much love & blessings to you all and thank you to all who share this work.




To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Incoming Eclipse Energies – Update 3-6-16



The eclipse energies are already upon us and many are feeling the deep issues it is intended to bring forth. The core issues are coming up for us to look and work through on a deeper level. The thoughts can seem to bubble out of nowhere and rock you to your core. We process this moment by moment, going to where it started and rewriting the programming.

I was working with my guides this morning and they showed me myself on a small boat, it seemed to be adrift but upon closer examination there was a rope attaching me to the shore that was almost completely out of sight. They explained that I was still holding on to patterns and thoughts that keep me tethered and I watched myself cut the rope and set myself free.

They explained that what it comes down to is TRUST. That many of us are still holding on to doubt and fear about this process. It’s understandable as so few feel the way we do or experience the world as we do, it has created many layers that we must go through as we merge with our highest aspect.  Part of the confusion is that the human within us wants this process to be fast, but it’s not. We move up the frequency ladder in steps towards our highest self as our highest aspect comes down to meet us. Nothing is instant. Once we merge with our higher self we then open up to merge with more of our soul and again this is in layers.  We have to trust that all is happening as it should and not allow doubt (ego) to diminish the progress you have made. Take a moment and really see yourself and the changes you have made. Look at the changes in thought patterns and your reactions. Give yourself a pat on the back and trust that it’s all in perfect order.

For those who are aware of their guidance team you may sense that you are receiving additional support. Additional aspects of self may also come forward for integration as well. It does not matter if you are able to see/hear or interact with your team, just know and trust that they are there. Ask for help and give permission to be helped in all ways.  You chose this team to help you prior to your incarnation. You set up the signs and synchronicities to help guide you along your path. Use your team and be present within yourself to see the guideposts you set up.

Physically… wow much is happening! We have solar flares that can really send people for a loop. Our bodies are undergoing massive upgrades and changes to the cellular structure, this causes moments of exhaustion. It can feel like going under anesthesia once we allow our bodies to rest. There is knee, hip and low back pain as the body grounds these higher frequencies. The cranium is shifting and this can cause headaches, temple pain and ear aches. Jaw & teeth pain is not uncommon with these energies.  Many are experiencing bloating and dehydration.  Digestive upset, even in your pets is the norm for these high energies too. Bananas do wonders to help ease tummies.  Eat what makes your body happy, get plenty of fresh clean water, and get outside. Vitamin D is crucial for this time and we don’t seem to be able to get enough from the sun, so supplements help.

Write down all that is taking place, it’s a really neat time. We have not seen the frequency as high as it is now and it is staying high. Write down what is coming up for addressing but also all those ideas that spring forth from consciousness.

Much love to you all!



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com



Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Solar Eclipse is Turning Point for many- Sananda




I come to you today to discuss the recent energy shifts and what is coming in the near future. You are in an amazing time of rebirth and every man, woman and child is being given the opportunity to move beyond all that has held them in place. Since the galactic alignment codes have been coming into earth that are helping you to enact deep changes within all of your being. Your physical being is becoming more crystalline so that you are able to be the light. This is accomplished slowly because as you are accepting more light into your form, you are simultaneously clearing density.

These codes coming in act as a magnifier of all that is not in service to your purpose on earth; as well as to show you all that is serving your higher purpose. Things in your physical reality will become glaringly obvious when they are not in alignment. Likewise, these energetic frequencies assist you by revealing all that is hidden within the layers, deep in the cellular memory. If you see yourself as a giant recorder, learning from all things in this and previous incarnations you can begin to see how much is needing to be integrated. You have learned much from your experience, now it is time to let it go and return to your natural state of unconditional love, joy and gratitude.

We understand this process is not easy and many struggle with resistance from the ego and body. This can leave a person in physical, mental and emotional pain. Many are praying that this time will end and that they no longer are consumed by this process. The more light codes that stream to earth, the more the magnetic field of earth is lessoned and the more the world is polarized, the more some suffer. There is a way to help ease this transformational process. Find your joy. Joy is your natural state and the more you embody your soul, the more the absence of joy is magnified.

Think of a loved one returning after a long, difficult experience. You would not expect this person to feel joy in every moment as the difficult experience is still very real to them and you would love them unconditionally. When they feel moments of laughter, hope and inner peace you will also be there giving gratitude for each moment no matter how fleeting.  Now we are asking you to give this to yourself. Love yourself unconditionally, be patient and kind with all that arises within. When you do feel the moments of joy, realize that it is you in alignment with your soul and give deep gratitude for the experience. As with all energy, the more you give gratitude for the joy you feel, the more you align with the frequency of joy. Each time you enter this state you will be able to remain in it for longer periods.

The upcoming solar eclipse will be a turning point for many. Each person will step further into their authentic self. For some it will mean having the courage and strength to make changes that no longer are in the highest good. Some will begin to walk fully in their power, not allowing ego to hinder their process any longer. For others, they will begin to merge with the next layer of their soul, their solar aspect.

Each of these requires that you are able to allow light to flow through every particle of your being. This is why the deep inner work taking place is critical at this time. To facilitate this process we ask you to actively seek what brings you joy. This transformation taking place on your planet and within each of you is breathtaking.

We hold you in the highest regard.


Personal conversation with Sananda:

 Me: Matt Kahn had jokingly referred to those on this path as angels with PTSD. I feel there is truth in that.

Sananda: Yes, this is why we ask each of you to be gentle with yourselves and find joy.

Me: Many on this process find that they go into a deep depression as they sort through their layers and beliefs and what use to bring them joy no longer does. This leaves many feeling lost and confused.

Sananda: This is an opportunity to explore what matches your soul. Instead of seeing that something is wrong it can be seen as a blank slate to find what brings joy, just as you did as a child. Each time you expand your horizon it opens doors and pathways for your soul to find what resonates.

Me: Many are complaining that they are experiencing weight gain and bloating again. Why do we gain during intense energetic times?

Sananda: Not all do, but it is the bodies attempt to accommodate more light. As one undergoes deep cellular changes, the body often swells, feels depleted and dehydrated. Many vital nutrients are missing and this causes the body to be stressed.

 Me: What is missing and why?

 Sananda: Your soil is depleted and is unable to provide the nutrients it once did. Your bodies are also experiencing stress from the chemical bombardment.

 Me: What is missing?

 Sananda: Vitamin D and magnesium are key ingredients as is alkalized water. This process when combined with the chemicals in the body causes many to be acidotic.

 Me: Even organic?

Sananda: Yes, while you receive more nutrients in organic food, it is still not in the purest form as was intended.

I hope my questions and answers have helped you as they have me. I am holding all of you in the highest light and with the deepest love. May you all be blessed. Thank all of you who have shared and supported this work. It means more than you will ever know.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **



Update on the energies 11:11 2-29-16



This is a very important energetic time. The light codes coming into earth are at the highest vibrational level I have experienced. It is literally changing everything even though it can seem so painfully slow.  Many are feeling like they are being put through the wringer and in some ways you are. So much is being shown to us right now if we are present and aware. This takes practice as it requires that we slow down the swirling thoughts and emotions. From the place of presence we can allow spirit to come in and give us signs and synchronicities.

Right now what people are experiencing is dependent on where they are in this process. Many are seeing a resurgence of “old” thoughts, patterns, and behaviors. This can cause deep frustration and often the ego will come in and tell you that all the work you did previous was for nothing. Stop, breathe, and really look at what you are shown. Can you see how it is from a different perspective or angle so that you can heal it from this new level? Can you see how it is an opportunity to see it differently and then forgive self and others more deeply? Our thoughts, patterns, and behaviors are held on a cellular level. Clearing density from our form is a process, it is not done in one single moment, so it is normal for issues to arise. For some reoccurring thoughts just observe and see it drift away from you. For others, it may come up but show you a whole new side.

While it may feel as if you are out of control with this energy, that you have been thrown to the wind, know that it is a co-creation process. You have a blue print, a general plan for your life, lessons that are to be learned, but you also have free will and that can take us on quite the wild ride. We do not have to be passive in these times, we can be proactive and look deep within to see all that we need to. Ask your team (angels and guides) to show you in dreams, meditation and in human interactions what you need to know. Ask to be shown what is holding you back or what is no longer in your highest good. Ask to be shown how you are being inflexible or too flexible while on this path. Ask to be shown where you are resisting the changes or where you have created blocks.  Once you ask, be aware of all that comes. Look at your interactions, the synchronicities, and how your body feels. Our interactions with others can act as a mirror for what is going on if we just allow ourselves to observe without judgment. Write down your dreams and that incredible insight that we often wake with but then fades as our brain switches back on.

Many are feeling frustration as they know their soul path but they are not seeing how it is supported in the physical world we live in. Asking to be shown exactly what needs work and changing within will help with this. While on an intellectual level we may know what needs changing and we may feel that we have done the work involved, there may be something hidden within the cellular memory that needs releasing. This can have the person reexamining the same issue again and again, lost in deep frustration. Working with your team, being open to all they can show you will help you to see things from a deeper perspective.

Also, I had a reading recently with a woman who is a talented reader and healer. She has been working on honing her abilities and clearing her layers.  This is not easy work and the changes within can be astounding. Her biggest problem is that those around her (friends and family) did not see the growth nor truly understand the world she is stepping into. Her issue is not uncommon. As we go through the process of raising our vibration and embodying more of our soul we expand our personal hologram and how we view the world. However, this deep change within us does not mean that those around us acknowledge the change. They are still seeing us from their personal hologram which did not expand.  This can be quite upsetting as we often want validation and support from our family and friends. This is why many have to find new support systems and step out on their own so that they build the confidence they need.  For some this is an essential part of stepping into their power and any feelings of guilt for moving on only hinders the process.

Not feeling supported by family and friends can also lead you to examine the filters and layers within. How are you not validating and supporting yourself? What doubts do you have about the changes and the acceptance of the world at large? What abundance issues are wrapped into these beliefs? Allow everything to be an opportunity for you to grow and expand.

Physically, we are all over the place! For me I have had the Buddha belly as my body swelled to process the higher vibrating codes. For some they also experience digestive upset as the codes have triggered density to leave. This can leave us achy and quite uncomfortable. For some this same energy can trigger low back, hip, knee, and ankle pain as the body grounds. For others they are experiencing neck and upper shoulder pain as the body integrates these energies. Likewise headaches, particularly in the temples and third eye are also very common.  So much is expanding!

Pay attention to your world, be present, much is changing. People are awakening and the animals, crystals, and the environment are acknowledging it. I was in a crystal shop on Sunday and two girls were in there and were amazed that the crystal they picked up vibrated in their hands. It’s beautiful confirmation that the world is indeed changing.

Love and blessing to you all. ❤



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Energy Update 2-23-16




Anyone else feel like they have a spiritual hangover today? I was thinking that it was because I spent the weekend at a shamanic workshop, but I am told by my guides that many are feeling the same.

The full moon energies were particularly strong because their purpose is to help align people with what is needed moving forward. For some this is seen as a coming together of things, AH-HA moments, a feeling of being in alignment and that all is well. For others, this alignment can look like destruction as all that is not serving you is showing its face. It is like a screaming child that just keeps getting louder when ignored.  Take a look and see what has worked for you and what has not.

You may find that many around you are mirroring what is taking place inside you at this moment. All that you see out of alignment within another is an opportunity to look at what is out of alignment within you. You may find similar themes at play. Pay attention to the advice you are giving and see where you might apply the same information to yourself.

Mirroring is often found very strongly in our children. When they are restless and bored and we say “go outside!” this is wonderful advice for ourselves as well. We often underestimate the impact of energy on children, especially those we know that vibrate high. Yet it is these high vibrating souls that feel the disharmony in the world even more deeply. They feel when tensions are high and people are clearing. I have found that in times like this, routine is very important in the life of my 7 year old. Deviations in the routine cause anxiety because their system is already over loaded from all the swirling changes.

Pets may be clingy and showing signs of physical distress too. I know we are really receiving tremendous energy when my dogs belly starts rumbling and she is outside more than normal. Pets are simply angels on earth. Our cats help to equalize our vibration with their purr and dogs tend to be the steady companion, ready to be near you, acting as a stabilizer. All animals are clearing their density right now as well as helping us clear ours. It is no small task they have taken on. It is also not uncommon to have a pet as your guide on earth.

Physically we are receiving energetic downloads that upgrade our entire electrical system. For some this brings stomach issues and flu like symptoms.  For many it is headaches, ear ringing and dizziness as the body reacts to the expansion of light within its form. Dreams are still playing a very important part as we are still clearing timelines, contracts, agreements and past lives.  You may be seeing a pattern with the solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Solar flares are like being at a night club when the music is pumping loud. Some will feel completely pumped up and happy, others will experience rush of energy and then find themselves over loaded and wanting to go home. Others are turned off the moment they step in the door and are cranky, uncomfortable, and the body wants to shut down. With the Coronal Mass ejections some may feel deep peace and an inner knowing that all is ok and some will find themselves receiving incredible insights on direction and purpose. Others may experience this energy as needing to sleep deeply as the body is releasing denser cellular memory. Whatever you are feeling and to whatever degree is perfect for you at this time and trust that all is ok.

This is a very intense time that we are going through right now and it is clearing out all that it can for the massive wave of energy that will begin building during the 2nd week of March, peaking and holding in the 3rd week of March until mid-April. This wave is designed to awaken those not yet awakened as well as pushing more into the 5th Dimensional vibrational frequency. For those who have made it past that threshold this wave helps us embody more of our soul. Think upon this period as the last month prior to a triathlon, it is when the training gets really intense and you push yourself to the max so that you have the endurance to make it through the race.

Each of us will be feeling these energies differently depending on where you are in this process and how your body handles the energies. Don’t get lost in judging or comparing yourself against others because this is your journey and no two journeys are alike.  Be gentle with yourself and others as we are all part of an incredible evolutionary change.


I also wanted to share with you an extraordinary interaction I had. About a month ago I was asked if I would allow two beings who said their race is called Meentaurs to observe life on earth through me, my personal hologram.  I agreed and periodically they would come and ask questions and offer observations. They came to me yesterday morning, saying that they had concluded their observations and I asked what they had learned. This is their reply:

“Humans are remarkably resilient. Even the slightest flicker of source within is able to sustain hope, even with the ego blocking it. When the human knows that this spark is within and seeks to expand it, this is miraculous to see. They are able to walk with love and faith even amidst all the noise.  We saw source energy expand by smiling, laughter, prayers and gratitude. When it is realized the human becomes truly beautiful.”

Sending you all lots of love and blessings ❤ ❤ ❤


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016,  Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Energy Update, Vasovagal Nerve Activation 2-16-16



The energy is still very high and so much is coming up to be moved through. Depending on where you are in this process you could be experiencing really big changes in your life that cause you to question everything. For others, it can be a resurgence of old patterns, thoughts, and feelings. Either way, it is the opportunity for us to see what it is holding us back, what it is within that does not resonate and CHOOSE Different.

When the old thoughts, fears, and patterns arise we can choose to rewrite them by reacting differently then we have before. It can be very frustrating to see what we thought we healed prior resurface. In these moments we can either look at ourselves like we have failed, like we have gone backwards, done something wrong OR we can see that we have reached a new level, a new understanding and are to heal from this new place. Can you feel how different the energy (vibration) in the different options? Realize that each time our themes arise it is an opportunity to view it differently, to walk in our power and choose different.

Look at the thoughts that keep resurfacing (doubt, lack, fear, self-worth issues etc.) as a computer program running constantly in the background. There are light codes coming in that help to bring this background program to the front so that you can see it still exists. It is at that moment that you can hit CTRL-ALT-DELETE, by choosing to react differently then you have before. Look at your patterns. How do you normal react when these ego-driven thoughts arise? Do you beat yourself up? Do you get angry and cranky? Do you act out onto others because you are not able to verbalize and process your emotions? Do you withdraw and shrink inside? Look and be brutally honest with yourself.  Once you see how you normally react, you are in the beautiful position to choose different.

Understand that these programs run deep in our psyche, in our layers and we must rewrite the tapes through all of them. Often the universe (our highest aspect) brings the same feeling within us but in different situations so that we can see just how deep and multi-faceted the programming runs. It is also the universe’s way of asking “Are you sure you are ready to let it go? How about in this situation or with this person?”

The most important things is how you talk to yourself during this process. Often we talk to and treat ourselves in ways that we would never talk to another. You have a loving, big heart – it is time to use it to love yourself completely, ALL of you. This goes for the parts you don’t like too, the parts that are anxious, scared, sad, lonely, angry and just plain confused. Honor that part, let it have its say. Talk to it like it is a good friend going through a rough time, hear it, honor it, and give it comfort. If you belittle or suppress it, it will get louder and louder. Once you honor these aspects of yourself, you create space for spirit to come in.  As you do this you allow the light codes to rewrite your programs. This is a process and what we must have patience for ourselves.

This is a very important time. This energy, though uncomfortable is here to help us heal and move BEYOND. It is here to help us stand in our power, to embody our highest aspect and potential.


Physically, so many are really feeling these waves quite intently. If you are having a re occurrence of thoughts and patterns needing healing, the chakras that correspond can give you trouble. It is our thoughts that cause an imbalance in the chakras. If you are dealing with lack issues of all forms, the root chakra may be causing you problems creating low back and tail bone pain. If you are having problems speaking your truth you may feel that the throat chakra feel tight, swollen and in some cases you may have a sore throat.

We are also experiencing cranial expansion & crown chakra upgrades which can cause our temples to throb and our jaw and teeth to ache. Our Vasovagal nerve is also being activated. It is expanding to allow greater blood flow throughout the body so that we can handle more light and so that our body can increase in its crystalline nature with greater ease. This can cause the back of the head, neck and  upper shoulders to ache and throb.  For some this may be the first time for this expansion, for others it is part of the next level in the light body process. This nerve is said to help connect our brain with our heart.

Neuroscientist Stephen W. Porges of the University of Illinois at Chicago argued that the vagus nerve is the nerve of compassion as it is thought to stimulate certain muscles in the vocal chamber, enabling communication. It reduces our heart rate. Very new science suggests that it may be closely connected to receptor networks for oxytocin, a neurotransmitter involved in trust and maternal bonding

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body that goes from our neck to the digestive system, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart & lungs. This is not a small thing in our body. It is responsible for our entire autonomic nervous system. When it activates, we can experience stomach upset, dizzy spells, migraines, and just general unease. It can be quite confusing and make us worry that we are falling apart.

There are ways to help your vagus nerve along. Deep diaphragm breathing and visualizing the nerve expanding and filling with light.  Singing and OM’ing can help as well. Deep grounding and earthing also helps to improve your vagal tone. Other options are seeing a chiropractor to ensure that the neck bones are in alignment. An acupuncturist is also able to help regulate the flow of this nerve. My oldest sees an acupuncturist who is helping to ease her migraines by stimulating the Vagus Nerve. The doctor has been out of town for a month and with the current energies, my daughter is seeing just how beneficial acupuncture has been. She is experiencing migraines and intense nausea.

For those who are doing well through these energies with joy and excitement, share it with others. It helps those who are not in that space to believe that it DOES get better; much better.

I am sending you all the brightest light full of love, joy, hope and blessings. May you all be blessed. ❤



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

If you need to contact me, please email at spiritreadings444@gmail.com


Join the facebook group and keep up to date on the energy fluctuations!https://www.facebook.com/channelingthemasters/

Copyright 2016,  Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Energy update 2-12-16

The energy is very intense and it is going to continue amping up until after the full moon on 2/22. During this time we will be undergoing DNA upgrades. Exhaustion and feeling anxious and overwhelmed is common with this. Make sure to take time out for yourself. Get plenty of water, electrolytes, and potassium. Your body will act as if you have just run a marathon. Healthy fats such as coconut oil and avocado help to keep us from feeling as if we are “burning” up from the inside. Vitamin D either naturally from the sun or in liquid form will help ease this transition. Salt baths will help as well to keep the body hydrated. It is important to listen to your urges, if you need to sleep, sleep. If you feel the need to write, write. If you feel anxious, trapped and cabin feverish – get outside. Nature has a way of balancing our energies and giving us what we need, we just have to listen.
When we go through DNA upgrades, all that is held in our cells that no longer serves must be purged. This releasing will be felt in our dream time and/or in our waking moments. Many of us a cleaning up old contracts and past life emotions that have been held in our cellular body.
As our past lives are often themes that we have experienced in this life (from a different perspective) it is a good time to look at all those in your life and switch places with them. Can you see the roles and the lessons from their point of view? Allow your heart to open completely and forgive, forgive them, the circumstances and most importantly yourself. Once you feel the forgiveness wash over you, send gratitude for all that your soul has learned from these interactions. As you heal the relationships in this life, you help to heal the lives where similar themes were experienced in past (concurrent) lives.
Cord cutting will be very important over the next week. You want to cut all cords, contracts and agreements that no longer serve that go through your past, present, and future. Call AA Michael to assist with this, he is always happy to help.
There is a “pushing” feeling to this energy. A desire to buckle down and plow through this work so that we may walk fully embodied and whole. It’s absolutely an amazing time as more and more abilities are opening up and more people are making contact with the unseen.
Sending you all lots of love and blessings ❤ ❤ ❤

To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

If you need to contact me, please email at spiritreadings444@gmail.com

Join the facebook group and keep up to date on the energy fluctuations!https://www.facebook.com/channelingthemasters/

Copyright 2016,  Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **
