Tag Archives: guides

New Energies and Contact being made from Venus



This really is an exciting time, Ascension is in full swing. The energies are increasing to levels we have never experienced before. We are now receiving energy being sent directly to us from Venus. This energy is pure love and it is helping us to see even more clearly all the areas in our personal and collective world that do not resonate with this frequency. Once we see it we can than heal it and change it.

A being from Venus began contact with me on 12/23 in the dream state. The being that came to me had symbols on his burgundy robes that glowed. I tried to access them outside of dream state but was unable just yet. It seems that we must go through a calibration period so that we can accept and understand the frequencies being given.

On Christmas Day my little one was drawing with her new water-color pens and she shows me a picture she completed. She said that it was for me and immediately I noticed the symbols and they matched what I saw in the dreams. She requested that I put them on facebook because she said my friends needed to see them. I questioned her on how she knew to draw these symbols and she told me she just knew she had too. I have posted the symbols here:




My next experience with this being came in meditation. This is where he explained that he is from Venus and is considered part of the Angelic Realm, just from “a different house” then we have accessed before. He told me I could call him Lord Tolin. He explained that he and his grouping are now able to access earth and give assistance in the ascension process.

Below please find a brief video that gives a greater explanation and suggestions on how to make contact with this group.  I hope that all of you are well and are finding peace and balance in the energies.  Thank you to all who share this work, it does mean the world. Here is a link to Steven North’s blog that gives more information on this recent development as well: http://www.stevennorth.com.au/the-venusian-story/

Jenny ❤



For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Click here for information on assisting your integration, click here: Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies and offers Channeling the Masters

Copyright 2017, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Massive Energy Wave Blanketing the Earth



Brief update on the Massive Energy Wave that has blanketed the earth.  Every living thing is being affected by this energy in some way, shape or form. Amazing times!


For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Click here for information on assisting your integration, click here: Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Q & A with the Galactic Council of Light

SacredGeometryIntegration, Galactic Council of light, Ascended Masters, Ascension

I would like to share with everyone an experience where I found myself being drawn into meeting with the Galactic Council for Light (GCL). In this meeting, I asked a number of questions that I thought was relevant to what I am seeing in regards to clients and other observations, as well as what I have been experiencing myself. This is an extract of the conversation that I had with the GCL.

Jenny: These past few months have been exceptionally intense. One of my clients described to me that it is as if she is in the middle of the road, hit by a truck and as she stood up again, hit by another truck.  I feel and believe that many people can relate to this sentiment.

GCL: Yes, this intensity that you speak of has increased not only for the physical body, but also the dissonance held within one’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions is also being exaggerated.

Jenny: What is the purpose of this increase in intensity?

GCL: Simply put, integration. It is of utmost importance that each person integrate all of their being.  Each person must choose to willfully integrate with all of their lower density parts; in order for complete integration of the higher aspects of their soul to be integrated. Some refer to these pieces as their shadow, their wounded inner child and while this is accurate; there are also fractions that have been squashed or separated from the whole because one feels they should or must act a certain way or become a certain persona. These roles, are now crumbling as the parts wanting to come to the whole are getting louder. This is the reason many are seeing the ego rise up, even in those who have proclaimed to have overcome such separation.

It is important to understand that your life is a microcosm of the macrocosm. Source created all; the galaxies, the worlds, the star systems. Each soul created was Source fracturing into millions of pieces so that information could be gathered and returned. Source wanted to experience all that is and all that it is not. As each soul expresses its own version of learning the main goal is to return to the one with information and a new perspective. . This is no different than the goal each being on earth has undertaken. Each soul that chooses to come to earth, do so to experience all that it is and all that it is not. This experience may take many, many lifetimes or it may only take a few.  The main goal is the same: to learn, to grow, to experience, then to integrate.

When source integrates the pieces that have returned to it, it is not done in disdain for the experiences but with deep love and understanding. For you see, while the intent was to explore all that Source was not as well as what it is, what has been learned is SOURCE IS ALL. There is NO distinction between what was considered part of Source and what was considered impossible characteristics.  When Source integrates these lessons, experiences, feelings and emotions, it is done with great love and joy. As each integration brings more understanding and oneness. This is what is being asked of each of you as well. To integrate fully with each piece, each experience, each lesson with joy and love. This is the only way that true oneness can be reached.

As we move forward on this journey many are finding that they are able to hold great light, higher frequencies, yet there is still dysfunction hidden deep within. There is a tendency that the more light a person holds the more they would like to deny the parts that still reside in the lower dimensions. It is these pieces that are showing themselves very strongly now.

As you were shown, in the next few months we will begin the process of separating the frequencies. Each person will be required to maintain their frequency at a higher rate in each moment. In order to do this, the pieces that still reside in the lower dimensions must be integrated and welcomed home with love.

(To read about what I was shown click here: Update on the New Earth)

Jenny: What does this look like for people?

GCL: For many the topic at hand is self-worth and the undoing of eons of conditioning that preached sacrifice of self and unworthiness.  For others deep wounds will open to be healed, accepted, forgiven and then integrated. For some it will be a deep shaking of all beliefs so that one is forced to take a look at what they are creating, allowing in, and there by perpetuating in their life. To understand what people are going through one must only look to the collective. Here again is an example of a microcosm revealing itself in a macrocosm.

Jenny: It was explained to me that in a few months the separating of frequencies is to begin, but will be slow and last almost 2 years. Is this accurate?

GCL: Yes, the purpose of the separation is for the lower densities to completely collapse. If it was done in an instant, many would be unable to live in the higher frequencies. Everything is being done so that every soul has the opportunity to go forward. We are very hopeful that this will be the case for the majority of humanity.

Jenny: So right now, the most important thing is the self-work? The integration?

GCL: Yes, but one cannot forget that in all of this the return to joy is needed. Joy and love are your natural state. Returning to self, being fully integrated within your soul, will require you to return to this.

Jenny: Joy is a hard concept for many

GCL: Yes, many must get in touch with who they were as a child before layers of obligations and beliefs were heaped upon them. Yet, what must be understood is that being in a state of joy does not mean that all I perfect in the moment, but that all is happening for the highest perfection.

Jenny: Thank you!

GCL: It has been our pleasure.

I hope that this is as helpful for you as it has been to me. Thank you to all who share this work. It means the world.  


For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Click here for information on assisting your integration, click here: Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: unknown

The Need for Self-Empowerment during the Ascension Process


Check out this new project titled The Ascension Series and in this episode, Steven & Amy North (Incarnate/Spirit Guide), Ascended Masters and  I  have a candid discussion on the need for Self-Empowerment and Walking in your Truth & Power during the ascension process.


Click here to download an MP3 

To listen via itunes, click here

In this episode Steve North and I refer to Rebecca Dawson so below you will find links to her site as well as ours.

http://channelingthemasters.org (Jenny Schiltz)
http://www.stevennorth.com.au (Steven North)
https://www.facebook.com/channelingth… (Jenny Schiltz, Facebook)
https://www.facebook.com/steven.omto…. (Steven North, Facebook)
http://www.rebeccadawson.com.au/ (Rebecca Dawson)
https://www.facebook.com/rebeccadawso… (Rebecca Dawson, Facebook)

Walking in Your Empowerment



The other day as I was waking I saw very clearly in my mind a metal circular door, with lots of markings. I found myself standing in front of it and as I stood there waiting for it to open I heard clearly “put your hand on it”. Laughing to myself and feeling a little silly, I placed my hand in the smooth spot and the doors opened. I stood there surprised and a little in shock as I realized I was looking into an observation deck of a ship. I walked in and was happy to see my highest aspect looking out the vast windows. She beckoned me over and I looked out the window at the beautiful earth below and was just amazed at the sheer number of ships in the sky.

I asked her if the ships were there for a mass landing as I had seen a few posts saying that landings were imminent. She shook her head and told me no, that a mass landing would bring about fear, panic, and utter chaos. None of which is beneficial in helping people to break free of the control matrix. She did say however, that more and more contact is being made, but on an individual and group basis. This can come in dreams, meditations, and journeying. That people need to simply open up to receiving and put away their logical mind which can interfere with contact. The minute you say “I’m imagining this” or ”It’s not real.” the experience ends.  I tell my clients who do this to tell their thinking mind that they are playing when they go into meditation, because giving yourself permission to play can help stop the logical mind from judging the experience.

As we were talking, Sananda and a few other Ascended Masters entered the room. They explained to me that we are in a critical time. Too many are getting lost in the “Savior” stories. That the belief that ships will descend to save us is no different than the belief in the Christian rapture.  Both of those stories are designed to take the responsibility of fixing our lives out of our own hands. The deep truth is that only we can save ourselves. We must each do what it takes to save ourselves, whatever that means for us.  Another part of the “savior” stories that we have been playing out is the belief that we can save another. Too many are martyring themselves trying to save another at great expense to themselves. It was explained that we cannot change another, but we can be the example. We can show a different way, but we must honor each person’s individual choice. Sananda also explained that each person is being tested during these times. Can we hold our light in the face of chaos and adversity? Can we come from a place of non-judgement and by doing so, truly be the example?

The most important thing they explained to me is that each person must walk in their own power, their own sovereignty. To become the walking master means to understand at the core that YOU are the one that affects your life the most. YOU are the creator of your own destiny. To think that another has control over your life is to give your power away. Can we in the face of reality crumbling maintain the focus on our own growth, our own mastery?  They explained that it has never been more important to empower ourselves to be the highest version of self in every moment.

There was an urgency to this message. Things are going to continue to unfold, truths exposed that have the potential to trigger great outrage within us and the collective. It is up to each us to remain centered, balanced, and loving. It is up to each of us to continue on the path of remembering who we are as the world wakes from a long deep sleep.

At the end of the meeting, I was told that there were body upgrades coming that would require us to rest more and to use every tool that we have learned to move through the next phases. I returned from this incredible meeting to find myself knocked down for a few days with the upgrades so intense they reminded me of what I experienced in 2014. This time however, I knew that on the other side of the stomach pains (explosions), body aches and shivers would be a huge jump in frequency and greater clarity.

I hope that this message finds you well and walking in your mastery and remembering that no one is more powerful in your life than you. Thank you to all who read, share, and support these transmissions.


For information on having an Intuitive Healing session with Jenny Schiltz and your guides please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Click here for information on Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: unknown

Phase of Chaos – Quan Yin




Ascension Energy Update, Ascended Master Quan Yin

I am happy to have this opportunity to talk with all of you today. We understand that many of you feel the great flux that is happening in your society. You can tell that great change is upon you and some of you wonder if this change you are feeling is for the positive. Let us assure you, it is. At this statement some of you will feel quite incredulous and wonder if we are aware of what is happening on your planet. We are very aware and are able to see the bigger picture and that is what we would like you to understand.

At the moment of creation there is chaos that stabilizes and within that stabilization things can then be built or put into place, but first there is chaos. When your river are blocked by beavers, the river must force its flow in a new direction, there is chaos at first in the new direction, and then there is flow. This is where you are. You are in the phase of chaos. What one must hold onto is that once the chaos stabilizes, the new can be built.  It is for this very reason that we have asked you to not get swept up in the emotions of the outer world, for then you are simply resisting the bringing in of the new. We have asked each of you to look at what you are creating in your thoughts, words, and deeds for it is you who is being relied upon to stabilize the chaos so that a new flow can be established.

We understand that this is no small task. We are asking you to be the life raft of reason, the zero point if you will. We are asking you to return to unconditional love time and time again, when much of what you hear in your world is contradictory to this and designed to inflame. We are asking you to be open and see all sides, allowing even for a side that has never been seen before. Your society is built on conflict and misinformation, the truth has only begun to be exposed. You may ask yourselves why this has been done, it is simple. Outrage towards your fellow man may make one feel that they are taking a stand, asserting their core beliefs but it is actually an illusion of stepping into your power.  When one is able to love all unconditionally, and to not be triggered by another’s learning process, they are exhibiting the true definition of stepping into their personal power.

This does not mean that you cannot have an opinion nor a boundary, quite the contrary. It is understanding that your opinions are valuable to you and another’s is valuable to them and they do not have to match. It is understanding that all are moving through the process of awakening at different speeds and in different ways. If one chooses to awaken within by embracing fear and separateness for a time, that this is perfectly appropriate for their experience. We are asking you to allow each person their process, as you were allowed yours.

Many of you are struggling with the emotions of fear, anger and outrage in the collective. Your sensitive natures may become easily overwhelmed. If this is how you are feeling we ask you to step back and take a look at your immediate reality. Understand that at this time each person’s inner conflict is being mirrored in your sphere of conscious connections. Look at your closest relationships, your friends and family.  Is there harmony? Is their ease? Then look at your working relationships, your relationship with the greater public?  Where is there discord? Where are you being shown what must be healed within? This is your true reality, all else is what you allow to come in through outside sources.  It is not that we recommend that people put on blinders to what is happening in the outside world, but first you must be secure within your role, your relationships.

If you think of each sphere of connection as journeying further and further from shore, you will understand why it is important to continually build your boat bigger and bigger. If one is in a row boat, which may be sufficient to brave any discord from loved ones; they may find themselves waterlogged when attempting to transverse the waters of family or work relationships. As you practice your skills of neutrality and unconditional love, while working through all that moves you from this state of being, your boat becomes bigger and stronger.

Many of you are in important roles of stabilizing the new earth energies, the new grids and helping to heal your planet and inhabitants. You are the stabilizers for your particular area. These roles are very important and require you to be balanced within to achieve them. Maintaining your balance, even if it means removing yourself from all that disrupts this is not selfish, it is necessary.

With deep respect and admiration

Quan Yin

Conversation with Quan Yin

Me: I honestly can say I am shocked at the amount of venom that has been thrown at people over political opinions. The amount of narrow mindedness, sweeping generalizations and negativity really surprised me.  For me, part of this shock is my understanding of how thoughts, words, and emotions are things. Many weapons were created and thrown recently.

Quan Yin: When one is unconscious of this fact, they do not understand what has been created and used. It is very much like warfare. It is for this reason we have sent the messages for people to disengage, remove themselves from the battlefield.  It can be a challenge for a person to keep their energetic field clear in the midst of chaos. It can be done, but one should be in a very large boat.

Me: This 11:11 gateway packed quite a punch. At one point I felt as if the gateway was inside my body and was drawing all of my essence in. In my mind I felt like I was in a black hole, being propelled forward. I spoke with my highest aspect whom explained that this star gate was not “out there” but within each person. That I needed to be still, allow the process and to revel in the amazing process that was taking place.

Quan Yin: Yes, it is a common misconception that star gates and portals are outside of you. All is within and each person is able to activate each transition to the level in which they are able.

Me: Physically, many are struggling. Headaches are common. All of my children have had them off and on for the past two weeks. I found an Epson salt bath does wonders. Some are experiencing fluctuation in their hearing and eye sight.  Some have had hip pain and bloating in the lower extremities.

Quan Yin: Understand that all of this is normal as one attunes to the higher frequencies. All within you is shifting and changing. It requires regulation of your energetic and physical bodies.  This is most easily done in your sleep, which is why so many are finding themselves resting more than usual. Ensuring the body is hydrated and full of essential minerals such as magnesium is important as well.

Me: Thank you!

Quan Yin: I am happy to assist in this beautiful transition.



For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Click here for information on Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: unknown

Understanding Your Impact on this World




The guides have asked that I share this experience as it will help each of us truly understand our impact on our world.

I was feeling the need to take a road trip, I had no destination in mind only that I wanted to get away. Within a few hours my husband calls and says, “Let’s get away this weekend”. I laughed at the synchronicity of it all. I asked where he wanted to go and he suggested that we explore the Million dollar byway in Colorado ski country before the roads became too hard to transverse without a four-wheel drive.  I was totally game. That evening we were discussing it and he said that he found a place called the Victorian Inn, we called but they were full. I hopped on priceline and much to my surprise there was listed The Victorian Inn. We booked it and planned our journey.

It turned out that the inn we called was in Oray and the one we booked online was in Telluride. It didn’t matter to us, it was all along the byway. However, I came to understand that being there was no accident. As we were exploring this gorgeous little town of Telluride we saw where there is a hiking trail up to a waterfall. I felt this really strong pull and we decided to make the 3 mile round trip hike to the waterfall.

The three miles seemed doable but it was the incline that was getting me. My lower back and neck were really bothering me and I was starting to get nerve pain down my arms. I felt a little defeated. My journey to health has been a long one and it still continues. Just when I was getting ready to turn around so that I didn’t do damage to my body by inflaming the nerves more and ruining the rest of my trip, I saw waking next to me one of my guides, Eagle Eye. He is the one I merge with to extract things that don’t belong on people such as negative thought forms.  He told me that it was important that I make it to the waterfall, that it was no coincidence that I was at that place, at that time.

I then found myself surrounded by 15 or so Native Americans, they seemed to be in celebration as they walked near me. There were children and dogs running about and it really lifted my spirits. One young brave around 13 started talking to me and told me that he was learning to be a warrior. I asked if his tribe fought much and he said “No, but we fight elk” with his eyes twinkling full of joy and adventure.

In no time we rounded the last bend that led to the waterfall. It was stunning and took my breath away. It took my breath away. Right on time, my husband says to my little one “Let’s leave mom to rest and go do some exploring”. My husband proves to me time and time again that you do not have to spiritual or really understand esoteric things to be of service. You only need to be in tune with yourself to get messages from spirit and allow it to guide you.  That for some mountain biking is as soul healing as mediation.

I settled on a rock overlooking the falls and allowed the stress in my muscles from the hike up leave me. Just then Eagle eye was beside me and he asked if I was ready. I then followed him through an opening deep into the earth. It was there that I saw black goo, thick as tar that needed to be removed. I understood now why I was here, to help Gaia heal. I merged with Eagle Eye and we began removing the goo and sending it to the light above for transmutation. We had removed most of it, but there was this one section that just wouldn’t budge. Eagle Eye then says “You are forgiven for all that you have been blamed for.” Just then this last area came off, turned into bats and began to head to the light of day where they transformed into a whole flock of starlings.

I unmerged from my guide and said to him “What does she need to be forgiven for? It is us that dig into her, take her fluids, and poison her.” He said to me that she has been blamed and cursed for so many things. People blame her when it is too hot, too cold, too much rain, or not enough rain. She is cursed for the storms, the floods, the volcanoes even though much of what happens is her healing, her releasing. He told me that she is no different than us. If someone yells at us, calls us names, or does not see our value, we too take it in and it becomes something that needs to be removed.

The experience for me was heart breaking and eye opening. I too have complained and cursed the earth, not feeling gratitude and benefit for what I am experiencing in this moment. I too have taken earth for granted.  Since that experience, I have been more aware of my thoughts, not only directed at the earth but the ones at myself and others. My guides have been constantly reminding me “Your thoughts are things… what are you creating? What are you sending to other people?”

I have come to realize just how unconscious I can be with my words. For example:  I was already tired and frustrated and was struggling to open a package when I yelled “ARRR I hate life!” Just then I felt the familiar reminder and said “Cancel! Clear!” and then asked myself what I really needed at that moment to bring me back into balance. I needed rest, I had pushed myself too far that day.   I am now consciously watching my thoughts and words, becoming aware of what I am creating in each moment. I am also able to see how my negative thoughts can snowball and really affect all things around me.  That it is up to me to shift my thoughts, word and focus.  To become fully aware of our thoughts and words and their ramifications is a very important part of the process of being a master on earth.

In conversation with my highest aspect last night she said that I needed to share this information in a blog, not just on my facebook page. She explained that the time is now for people to become fully aware of what they are creating with their thoughts and words.  She explained that the last channeling with Lady Nada was not having the impact needed. For some the thought that we can create our own reality, our own personal hologram is too abstract. Many still do not understand that our reality is the living, breathing manifestation of our thoughts. Everything is created by our thoughts because while we may not be able to see them, thoughts are things with form, vibration and substance.

Think on a time when you were witness to a verbal argument, the glaring eyes, and the aggressive or hurt stance of the participants. How did you feel? Did you find a part of your body aching? Maybe your shoulders got tight or your heart started palpitating and you felt under attack even though you were not involved? That is because you were under attack. The energy of their words was flying around and it may have found a home attached to you.

Have you ever been in a bad mood and walked into a grocery store and you can’t find what you need, the people are pissy and you wound up forgetting the one thing you went there for in the first place? Understanding energy and manifestation is understanding that if you had gone into the same exact store at the same exact time but with a better frame of mind, things would have gone smoothly and most the people you encountered would be neutral or pleasant.

I can’t stress enough that it is time to walk in our power and that means being responsible for our creations. I am not saying that we cannot have bad mood or experience negative emotions, it is about owning them and being responsible. That when we react in anger or have negative thoughts that we then ask that all negativity released is then transmuted into healing energy and sent to people and places that need it most.  It’s picking up your trash after a picnic and not leaving it for others to clean up.  It’s about understanding your impact on all around you. It’s about being fully responsible for your creations.

We are in a very important time and we have the ability to shift all around us. We have the ability to create though our thoughts, words and actions. Our job is to make sure that these are in alignment with what we want to create instead of what we don’t want.

I hope that all of you are doing will through this massive shift in consciousness. Be gentle with yourselves for this time is testing us in all ways. Thank you to all who share this work. It means the world.



For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit  Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: unknown