Tag Archives: Quan Yin

Phase of Chaos – Quan Yin




Ascension Energy Update, Ascended Master Quan Yin

I am happy to have this opportunity to talk with all of you today. We understand that many of you feel the great flux that is happening in your society. You can tell that great change is upon you and some of you wonder if this change you are feeling is for the positive. Let us assure you, it is. At this statement some of you will feel quite incredulous and wonder if we are aware of what is happening on your planet. We are very aware and are able to see the bigger picture and that is what we would like you to understand.

At the moment of creation there is chaos that stabilizes and within that stabilization things can then be built or put into place, but first there is chaos. When your river are blocked by beavers, the river must force its flow in a new direction, there is chaos at first in the new direction, and then there is flow. This is where you are. You are in the phase of chaos. What one must hold onto is that once the chaos stabilizes, the new can be built.  It is for this very reason that we have asked you to not get swept up in the emotions of the outer world, for then you are simply resisting the bringing in of the new. We have asked each of you to look at what you are creating in your thoughts, words, and deeds for it is you who is being relied upon to stabilize the chaos so that a new flow can be established.

We understand that this is no small task. We are asking you to be the life raft of reason, the zero point if you will. We are asking you to return to unconditional love time and time again, when much of what you hear in your world is contradictory to this and designed to inflame. We are asking you to be open and see all sides, allowing even for a side that has never been seen before. Your society is built on conflict and misinformation, the truth has only begun to be exposed. You may ask yourselves why this has been done, it is simple. Outrage towards your fellow man may make one feel that they are taking a stand, asserting their core beliefs but it is actually an illusion of stepping into your power.  When one is able to love all unconditionally, and to not be triggered by another’s learning process, they are exhibiting the true definition of stepping into their personal power.

This does not mean that you cannot have an opinion nor a boundary, quite the contrary. It is understanding that your opinions are valuable to you and another’s is valuable to them and they do not have to match. It is understanding that all are moving through the process of awakening at different speeds and in different ways. If one chooses to awaken within by embracing fear and separateness for a time, that this is perfectly appropriate for their experience. We are asking you to allow each person their process, as you were allowed yours.

Many of you are struggling with the emotions of fear, anger and outrage in the collective. Your sensitive natures may become easily overwhelmed. If this is how you are feeling we ask you to step back and take a look at your immediate reality. Understand that at this time each person’s inner conflict is being mirrored in your sphere of conscious connections. Look at your closest relationships, your friends and family.  Is there harmony? Is their ease? Then look at your working relationships, your relationship with the greater public?  Where is there discord? Where are you being shown what must be healed within? This is your true reality, all else is what you allow to come in through outside sources.  It is not that we recommend that people put on blinders to what is happening in the outside world, but first you must be secure within your role, your relationships.

If you think of each sphere of connection as journeying further and further from shore, you will understand why it is important to continually build your boat bigger and bigger. If one is in a row boat, which may be sufficient to brave any discord from loved ones; they may find themselves waterlogged when attempting to transverse the waters of family or work relationships. As you practice your skills of neutrality and unconditional love, while working through all that moves you from this state of being, your boat becomes bigger and stronger.

Many of you are in important roles of stabilizing the new earth energies, the new grids and helping to heal your planet and inhabitants. You are the stabilizers for your particular area. These roles are very important and require you to be balanced within to achieve them. Maintaining your balance, even if it means removing yourself from all that disrupts this is not selfish, it is necessary.

With deep respect and admiration

Quan Yin

Conversation with Quan Yin

Me: I honestly can say I am shocked at the amount of venom that has been thrown at people over political opinions. The amount of narrow mindedness, sweeping generalizations and negativity really surprised me.  For me, part of this shock is my understanding of how thoughts, words, and emotions are things. Many weapons were created and thrown recently.

Quan Yin: When one is unconscious of this fact, they do not understand what has been created and used. It is very much like warfare. It is for this reason we have sent the messages for people to disengage, remove themselves from the battlefield.  It can be a challenge for a person to keep their energetic field clear in the midst of chaos. It can be done, but one should be in a very large boat.

Me: This 11:11 gateway packed quite a punch. At one point I felt as if the gateway was inside my body and was drawing all of my essence in. In my mind I felt like I was in a black hole, being propelled forward. I spoke with my highest aspect whom explained that this star gate was not “out there” but within each person. That I needed to be still, allow the process and to revel in the amazing process that was taking place.

Quan Yin: Yes, it is a common misconception that star gates and portals are outside of you. All is within and each person is able to activate each transition to the level in which they are able.

Me: Physically, many are struggling. Headaches are common. All of my children have had them off and on for the past two weeks. I found an Epson salt bath does wonders. Some are experiencing fluctuation in their hearing and eye sight.  Some have had hip pain and bloating in the lower extremities.

Quan Yin: Understand that all of this is normal as one attunes to the higher frequencies. All within you is shifting and changing. It requires regulation of your energetic and physical bodies.  This is most easily done in your sleep, which is why so many are finding themselves resting more than usual. Ensuring the body is hydrated and full of essential minerals such as magnesium is important as well.

Me: Thank you!

Quan Yin: I am happy to assist in this beautiful transition.



For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

Click here for information on Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: unknown

Quan Yin ~ Reclaim your Sovereignty




We come to you today to talk about an important subject. It is the understanding of your true power and the changing of your perception. We understand that this process has been difficult and many of you have toiled on for years. What you must know deep within your being is that there is no longer anything holding you back from achieving the peace within yourself that you so desperately crave. It is you who must now change all that you have come to know and believe.

The awakening process is not an easy one as each of you have had to come to the realization that life was not what it seemed. It is as if you have come out of a fog to realize that all is not what you believed. You looked around at your world and mourned for the people, the animals, and the earth. You were shocked to discover that mankind has gone so far out of balance that money controls all. You were shocked to learn that your food, air and water have been tampered with by the very people that you believed would protect you. You have mourned and raged and even become fearful. You desperately have wanted change and often feel mislead because you are unable to see the change reflected in the outer world. It has left you feeling helpless and miserable. These emotions are part of the process, but ones that must be left behind now.

It is time for each of you to reclaim your sovereignty, your power, your creation. Each of you are able to hold more light than you ever have before. This is an important distinction because this light from source that illuminates your being is your power. Understand that this light from source is your soul. You are not separate from source, you never have been and it was only the illusion that led you to believe so. This illusion has served you well, your soul was able to participate in learning that cannot be achieved anywhere else in the mulitverse. Many of you have spent countless lifetimes on earth submerged in the veil of forgetfulness, exploring all the aspects of duality and all of what you are and what you are not. You have learned well from these experiences. That time has now come to an end, it is now time to come back home within yourself.

The work that you have done to clear out the negativity and veils has created space for your light, your soul, to reside ever more fully within you. It is important for you to realize the deep changes that have taken place within you. Now it is time to take full responsibility for the light you now hold. It is now in your reach to completely change the hologram that you have created. You can now shift all things around you by merely shining your light onto whatever is in your view. Instead of railing against what you fell you can not change, instead now see all things in their highest potential light and allow them to change in reaction. The things and people in your life that are unable to rise up to the highest possible light in which you hold them will move from your field until they are ready to do so. However, many will rise to the occasion and begin their own transformations. When you freely extend your light to all without judgement or expectation you provide space for miracles to occur. There are many stories of mystics and healers throughout your world that have performed miraculous healings. It is not that these beings healed another, it is that they saw each person as whole and healed and this alone allowed for the miracles to take place. Each of you have this ability. It is simply unconditional love in action. See all as the perfect example of themselves and see how much changes within them and in your reality as a whole.

Through this process you learned how important your thoughts are on your reality. It is not each individual thought that changes the frequency in which you create your reality, but the predominate emotions created by your thoughts. It is for this reason, that we have talked so much about the need to have joy in your life. The word joy to so many is an unobtainable concept. Yet, we ask you to look at your life and times in which you have laughed, relaxed, been in awe, or even felt simple contentment. This is joy. When you break it down into moments, you will find that you have indeed felt joy many times in your life and in those moments you experienced a shift within. This shift is you moving into a frequency that brings more joyous occasions to you like a magnet.

You are powerful beyond measure but it is you who must believe you are so. It is you who can shift all that is taking place in your life by simply focusing on what brings you joy. Each of your contributions are needed within the collective. Each of you that stands empowered will help to alter the course for all. It is time to be the master of your own reality.

With Love and respect,

Quan Yin


Conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: When you were talking about fact that there is nothing standing in our way of walking fully empowered, all I pictured was an elephant held in place by a chain. The chain was used when the elephant was a small baby and was too little to break free. Even though the elephant grew, it didn’t realize that the chain couldn’t hold it anymore and didn’t resist.

Quan Yin: Yes the elephant was conditioned to believe it was powerless to change its fate. This can be likened to the human who through the veils of forgetfulness was conditioned to believe that they were powerless to change their direct reality. It is this conditioning we are asking all to see through.

Me: I have a client who goes into a grocery store and sees the fruits and vegetables as whole and perfect, blesses them, and with her intention knows that the will be healthy to those who eat them regardless of organic/nonorganic and gmo/non gmo.

Quan Yin: That is it exactly. It is understanding that you can alter the frequency of all, your foods, your water, and your air and those around you just by simply holding them in the highest light. The more light you are able to hold within your being, the higher of frequency you will be able to transmute.

Me: The concept of being joy is a hard one. When I was first awakening I was so anxious, scared, angry and felt powerless. I couldn’t get how people could run around as if nothing was wrong. I even found myself begrudging football fans as being asleep fools. Didn’t they understand that the sky was falling? What I have come to understand now is those football fans were enjoying themselves. They were gathering with friends and celebrating life while it was I who was negative and unhappy. In those moments of fun, it was they who were holding more light.  Watching the Olympics now I can see how much my thoughts have shifted. I see the competitors as people experiencing this life just as they wanted too and in their own way are breaking limits.

Quan Yin: (laughing) It is quite a change isn’t it? You see you are now able to honor each person’s path, each person’s contribution and are seeing that it is perfect for them. With the ability to experience many lives and realities why wouldn’t you choose to experience all that you can?

It is important for each person to see what definitions and restrictions they have placed around the term joy. I prefer to think of Joy as the state of being present, open and in awe.

Me: The vasovagal nerve is being activated for many right now. They are experiencing headaches, neck aches, heart palpitations and stomach aches. I understand that this also correlates to the Well of Dreams Chakra at the back of the head.

Quan Yin: Your entire brain is being changed by the energies. No longer will you be left of right brained but you will have the ability to access all parts. This also correlates with the Divine masculine and feminine. These too will come into balance within each person. As the chakra at the base of your skull is activated it will allow for greater access to the unseen realms. As this opens, it also may release pent up fears and anxiety may be increased until it is fully balanced and functional.

Me: What can people do to alleviate this anxiety?

Quan Yin: Observe what is coming up and see where the cause lies. For some things you will be called to action, to change what brings forth the fearful reaction. For others you will find that they are irrational and have little to do with your present situation. Maintaining present focus and assessing your current situation in each moment will help you to realize that most anxiety is created by projecting into a reality that does not exist yet. This is why breathing is essential to move through anxiety. It allows you to be present in the body and helps alter your perspective.

In receiving this channeling there was an air of urgency of great importance. I asked her about it and she said that decisions were being made on an individual soul level that would affect the collective consciousness as a whole. I didn’t press her further but prior to publishing I saw an article posted by Sandra Walter that really helped me to understand the urgency. I’ve attached a link so that you can read it as well. http://www.sandrawalter.com/preparing-for-the-third-wave-and-timeline-shift/

Update: One of the awesome readers of this blog asked Sandra for further clarification and the answer received ties in very nicely with this posting:

Blessings beloveds ~ Zarah Zyankali asked for clarification on whether the Tribe can handle an acceleration. This is the question we all must tap in to – it is not a hasty decision, and it requires integrity because you will be called into service if you have needed skills. I will write more on *Acceleration = Responsibility* next week. There is a lot to do before I depart from Mount Shasta on September 2; here is a brief response:

This decision is not an intention to override the collective’s highest good, it is choosing maximum acceleration in the highest interests of all concerned. Many may say *I choose*, then not demonstrate that in their activities (which is making a slower timeline choice). This is an opportunity for Lightworkers to drop the complaints about the difficulties we are presented with, the old belief systems, and move forward through the heart.

It also means clemency for many beings, which means MUCH forgiveness on our part. It requires more transparency from the Light Tribe (to create transparency for all), creative action to reveal the higher truth of Ascension (rather than waiting for an event), open sharing of spiritual disclosure (rather than hiding, veiling your own truth), and preparation to receive a new wave of awakened ones with clarity and non-judgment (out of the cave, into action).

Each primary timeline has many secondary and tertiary outcomes – this is one of those junctures where great acceleration is possible, and I feel it is probable. The wave arrives regardless of our choice; it is the power of the impact, and our ability to call forth its strongest aspects which we decide in the next 2 weeks.

The stronger light will enter, regardless of our choice. It’s what we create with it – our collective realty – which gets affected by timeline manifestation. The stronger frequencies/codes will accelerate those prepared to experience it, while the collective timeline of awakening, revelation, disclosure, etc. can be sped up in the highest interests of all concerned. Individual choice of experience can override what is available; this timeline choice is aimed at transparency and further expansion of consciousness. More rapid spiritual awakenings, more support available for conscious HUmans. We are not looking for folks to get spun out, rather they become empowered and begin to create realities in alignment with higher, peaceful, heart-based outcomes.

I will write about *Acceleration = Responsibility* next week. I need to be offline for a bit to work with Shasta, thank you for your support. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You. In Love, Light and Service, Sandra

Last night I spent some time speaking with the Galactic council about this issue and what must change within ALL of us. There is still the energy of wanting disclosure to say “I told you so”, there is still those wanting the collapse of all that we know and fast, again to say “I told you so”. Yes, we need change but it can be done in a way that does not breed more fear into people. Fear equals control. There is still the energy of US vs THEM, awakened vs sheeple, yet that really lacks the understanding that we were the asleep ones for a time too and judgement just creates problems. There is still much forgiveness that needs to be done. In order to step into your power you don’t have to be a healer, just a comforting presence. That is more than enough.

I truly appreciate all who share this blog  its a really important time to spread this info far and wide. Sending you all the love and joy we can handle. ❤ 


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: lightworkerenergyart.com – this artists pieces are amazing and there are prints for sale on the sight.


Results have Quickened – Quan Yin




We come to you today to give encouragement and understanding of what is taking place energetically at this time. The waves of energy streaming into your planet will continue and they will not lessen. Though as your form adjusts to the higher frequencies you will feel relief. We understand that many are weary and want this constant flow to stop, especially those who have awoken quickly and are plowing through the layers within. Look deeply and honestly within yourself and ask if you would be happy to stretch this process out or are you the type to want to move quickly.  Trust that your soul knows what is best and how much you can handle, even when you think you cannot go on one more day.  The true strength and perseverance that lies within each of you is amazing and needs to be celebrated.

Timelines are condensing and collapsing to ensure that personally and collectively you are in the highest possible one. You will begin to see that the results of your thoughts and actions are seen much faster. Some will call this instant karma, but it is much deeper than that. Understand that this is your time to practice shifting your energy and the frequency in which you reside. If something does not go your way and you meet this with self-condemnation, judgement or other negative thoughts you will see that the pattern of things going wrong will continue.  However if you meet an inconvenience with humor or faith that all will be fine, you will then see that it indeed is fine, perhaps even better than you anticipated.  The speed in which you see the results of your inner thoughts and feelings has increased so that you may see the correlation clearly. Each of you has the power to change your perception and thereby change the frequency being sent and received by your energetic body.  Being in a higher frequency or the flow does not mean that life will be seamless or perfect. What is important is your reaction when events do not go your way or all seems to be crashing down around you. It takes practice to maintain the highest possible frequency within and it cannot be tested and strengthened without the bumps or mountains that rise in your path.

Many are seeing resurgence of thoughts, behaviors, health conditions and even addictions. These are coming up to be healed and no longer judged from within. They are coming up so that you may see how deeply the programming of self-sabotage and self-recrimination run within you. This can be frustrating for those who felt they had moved beyond this experience only to have it resurface. Understand that it would not rise again if it were not hidden deeply within. Once you are able to forgive and love yourself completely regardless of your perceived flaws, you will find that the programming no longer runs. This is an important step as each of you are remembering what it is to be a fully embodied soul.

Each of you are working on integrating your soul. Much will change as you remember and then integrate the knowledge layer by layer. It is very similar to the classification that you give to phases as you grow: infant, toddler, pre-teen, adolescent, young adult etc. Regardless of the classification, you are always a human. You have never not been fully your soul, you have simply chosen to not remember your true magnificence so that you could experience life in duality and density. It is now time to remember, and remember while maintaining your form on earth. As you return to yourself in layers you will find that your connection to All That Is increases as do your abilities.

It is very important that you listen to what your body needs at this time. For some what the body needs may not be clear, but the messages you receive on what the body does not need will be. It is very important to open up the line of communication with your body so that you are able to move through these changes with greater ease. When you do receive guidance from within but are resistant to follow the instruction, this shows where there are beliefs and programming that are not consistent with your soul. Understand that each time you follow the guidance received, even when it seems bizarre, you are opening the channel within to receive clearer communication from within.

You are powerful beyond measure and as each of you walk in your power more fully you will change all that is around you. Remember who you are and the deep love from which you came.

With deep love, admiration and respect,

Quan Yin


Conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: Overall what is the pervasive emotions of the ones awakening in these moments?

Quan Yin: Many are feeling deep anger, disbelief and powerlessness. Many get angry and then rail at their fellow man to change the outer world not realizing that what happens in the greater collective is a mirror of what is happening within the subconscious of humanity. If each person were to look deeply within themselves, heal their trauma and pain they will find that all heals around them as well.

Me: What about the clearing going on for the collective?

Quan Yin: You can only clear what matches you from within. It would be impossible to clear an issue that does not resonate in this lifetime. One who has not understood rape cannot help clear that energy from the collective.  Understand it is not anyone’s responsibility to clear for another, only themselves. As one clears an issue they then send the healed frequency out into the collective, it then activates those who are ready to clear it as well. The more that heal themselves, the greater the healed frequency is within the collective bringing about large change by activating all who are ready to heal it within themselves.

Me: I am grateful for your words on listening to the body. I have had cravings that seem to make little sense and go against my diet. I have struggled with the contradiction even though when I listen to the cravings I find that I feel so much better.

Quan Yin: Where did your beliefs for your diet come from?

Me: Some is from holistic medicine others were created because I wanted to raise my vibration and I was told that certain foods lower vibration.

Quan Yin: It is important to make sure that your beliefs do not become your prison. There is no greater authority as to what you need in these moments than you. Listen to the body, connect with how each thing you take in makes you feel. Let that be your guide, but not your rule as these too will change. You must understand how powerful you are. When you understand that all is of the light and it is your perception that changes that you will see that all is compatible. Your feeling and intention is the most important thing. This again is about understanding your true nature and the unlimitedness of your being.

I hope that my questions have helped and that this blog finds you well. I truly appreciate all who share this blog as much of this information gets blocked within social media lately. Sending you all the love and joy we can handle. ❤ ❤ ❤ 


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: lightworkerenergyart.com – these beautiful pieces can be purchased on this site a well.

Next phase, Moving towards the Solstice~ Quan Yin




We come today with a very important message. The next phase as you move towards the solstice will be one of deep growth and revelation. The energies will be pushing all of humanity forward and changing each of you deeply should you allow. You are being purged of all that is not in alignment, of all that stands in the way of merging with your soul.

Never before has it been more important to love yourself completely to undo all the years of conditioning and beliefs that you have accumulated throughout your lifetimes. Your soul can not merge fully with a vessel full of self-doubt and self-hate. You must look at all the ways you do not honor yourself, the ways in which you sabotage or hold yourself back and the reasons you give to support this decision. What are the fears that surface when you think of putting yourself first? Of loving yourself completely without exception? What do you fear when you think of loving yourself in all the ways that you have wished to be loved throughout your life? Is it possible that you have a fear of what you will become? A fear of the power and connection that you sense deep within you? Understand that only through loving yourself is your full potential able to be unleashed.

It is you who must determine what loving yourself completely looks like. For some the honoring of self will include exercise and a cleaner diet for others it will be allowing one’s self the rest needed to complete this transition with ease.  For some it will be allowing yourself to take steps towards a dream, for others it can be drastic changes such as leaving employment or relationships that hinder your growth. What all must achieve on the journey towards self-love is the mastering of thoughts, of the quiet ways that one sabotages, berates, and belittles themselves. These must come to light, made fully conscious so that they can be changed moment by moment.

Many fear that to put themselves first would be selfish. To this we say – Good! Be selfish!  We know that once you allow yourself to be filled completely by self-love that you will also be filled with Source energy. For you see to love yourself completely is to love yourself as Source loves you. From this place of wonderful healing you will find yourself able to do and give more than you ever have before.  Yet, you will also be filled with the gift of knowing that not all are ready to be helped and that to take on another’s burden may interfere with the intended lesson it was meant to teach. No longer will you feel taken for granted or taken advantage of, for your deep love of self will not allow it. You will also understand that by simply loving one’s self completely you become the example for others to do the same, helping to bring about radical shifts.  When you fear that doing what is best for you and your growth is selfish, we ask: Where did you learned such a thing? Find the origin, unravel the truth and set yourself free.

Allow yourself the freedom to grow and experience all this life has to offer without judging yourself or circumstances as good or bad. Trust and know that all is happening as it should, for your highest good at all times. See this all as a treasure hunt to find the most valuable prize, your true self. Know that we see you as perfect, whole and healed, we see your soul. It is time for you to see this as well.

With deep love and admiration,

Quan Yin

Personal Questions:

Me: I feel that on this journey I have been in this place before, where I have learned to love myself, but now I am seeing clearly ways that I am still not honoring myself.

Quan Yin: Yes, you will find that as with all things of such magnitude that it happens in layers. In each moment you uncover more about yourself, your patterns, your conditioning, and the fears you carry. To revisit an issue previously thought healed is not an indication of failure, but of growth. Each of you will only be able to access what is ready to be seen and released.

Me:  My thoughts and perceptions of things are really becoming obvious. I was driving down the road when a rock flew up and cracked my windshield. My first thought was “Crap! I must have gotten out of the flow for this to happen.” But that didn’t feel right even as I was thinking it. Later that night I meditated and met with my team of guides and expressed my concern and was told “Being in the flow does not mean that things do not happen in your life. It is your reaction to these events that determines if you stay in the flow or not.” They went on to say that blame oneself for events deemed as unpleasant does more to remove you from the flow than anything. That to see error is to not understand that events happen as they should and all are intended to move you forward. So though I can’t “see” it, this inconvenience is helping me – maybe it was designed to show me where I was beating myself up.

Quan Yin: Yes, this speaks to the thoughts that must be recognized and unraveled. It speaks to the deep trust that is needed to move through this process. Your soul is always working to provide you with opportunities to grow and reach your potential. To see all things in this light will help you to feel that you or another is to blame when things appear to go wrong. 

Me:  This process seems to be speeding up, requiring more sleep and times of quiet. I have also had this interesting contradiction of feeling more connected yet moments of disconnection at the same time.

Quan Yin: The disconnect you feel is simply the moments when you have moved forward, changed your frequency and the need to establish new footing. Grounding into the new reality helps to ease this transition. Purposeful connection with source energy, flooding your being with this will help as well.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle.  THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

^^^ Picture credit –chakracenter.org ^^^

Energy Update ~ Quan Yin ~ 5-9-16


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Greetings! We come to you today to discuss what is happening currently with your ascension process. Things are progressing as they should and have sped up in some areas. Each person is experiencing their own path in these moments, no two experiences are alike. For this reason it is very important to stay in your truth and what fills your heart regardless of what is taking place around you.

While the energies are very intense and many feel battered, there has been great progress.  Each of you are in the process of integrating aspects of self and realizing just who you are and also learning who you are not. This is a never ending process as each soul makes their way back to the moment of creation. You may be exploring your past lives, lives lived on other planets, parallel worlds and timelines. Many are having vivid dreams as they process and bring to light this information. While much of what you receive may appear jumbled and without purpose, the soul understands and knows that subtle shifts in your reality are taking place. These shifts allow for density to leave and for the soul to ground further in the body.

These changes in your perception may bring forth great emotion that must be worked through and released. This is especially important as duality is playing out on your planet and coming to an end for those willing to take that leap. We say leap because it takes great risk to no longer see fault in another, within yourself, or in situations.  In order to completely leave duality behind you must see that all are simply playing roles and not all roles are viewed positively. Yet, it is often this dichotomy that allows people to see what they prefer in their life. It is not about right or wrong, but rather about choosing which frequency to reside in. Likewise, it is often the ones that are deemed the villain, the perpetrators that help to see where you hold judgment within. Understand that judgement towards another is also judgment towards self. We are asking you to take a look behind the curtain and see the soul within each person. When you do, you will find a bit of yourself in them.

As one integrates more and more of their true self, they may feel as if they are disconnected or lost. For many this is not actually the case, but rather it is one adjusting to their new location, new vibration, and new understanding. We recommend grounding your energy and also spending time in nature to help your form return to its natural balance. You may find that excessive noise and electronics increase the unwanted feeling. Allow yourself all the time that you need to feel secure in yourself again.

Some may also be experiencing a feeling of disconnection as if their guides, angels and team of helping beings have left them. Rest assured that they have not left, but rather have backed off to allow you to settle fully into the feeling of your own being. It is the removal of outside energy during a time when one must come to feel and know their own soul.  The most important relationship you will have is with your own soul. It feels foreign and many do not trust this feeling nor the guidance given. Therefore, your team may leave so that you are forced to rely on self, on your own innate knowledge. Once the integration has taken place, the relationship with your highest aspect clearly established, your team will return. Some will choose not to have them return, to only rely on the innate knowledge, as part of their experience.  Understand that even with that choice, your helping team is still available and you are not alone.

The crystalline process is continuing and many are feeling the effects within the body. As the physical form changes to accommodate the light codes coming in, many are experiencing joint pain, exhaustion and body aches. Bloating is common as well as the gasses within the body are released as each layer of your being is changed: your cells and DNA.  Many are finding that what use to work for them in terms of nutrition, exercise, and sleep no longer do. Allow yourself the flexibility to change without going into worry that something is wrong. Listen to and communicate with your body. It needs great love at this time as it is your vehicle that allows your soul to come onto this plane and manifest your new reality.

With great love and respect,

Quan Yin


Personal Questions:

Me: I have noticed that my root chakra has been blocked off and on the past few weeks. I would check it with a pendulum when I would feel all bottled up, on the verge of anger, tears, or some type of explosion and saw that it was closed. I would then ask that the chakra open, feel it opening and spinning and then a giant release would come over me. I could even feel the energy moving down the body. Is chakra’s getting blocked, spinning improperly normal at this time?

Quan Yin: Yes, it is normal. At times the chakras may become unbalanced while you are in transition from one frequency to another. It is also an indicator of what may be taking place emotionally as you integrate all of your aspects. As you do this review on a subconscious level, it is not uncommon for fears to rise, it is this density that must be released. Being aware of your chakras and seeing it as a channel for energy to flow will help you greatly during this time.

Me:  I was thinking on the power that we have and how we must use it consciously. We have the capacity to give love far and wide shifting the frequency. We also can do the opposite by thinking things like “they will get what they deserve” “Karma will get them” etc. It is these thoughts with the intention that another feel pain or divine retribution that shift the frequency to one we don’t like.  It was then that I realized that I must send love to all, regardless of the situation because it is the only way to change things. It was an epiphany that hit me hard, I felt things shifting and releasing. Within moments my stomach acted up and I was in the bathroom. Why does that happen?

Quan Yin: Understanding your power and using it with the greatest intention is a very important lesson. It is realizing your importance, your role and embracing it with maturity. Once such great understanding is reached, density is released. For some density is released through the bowels for others it is through tears, sweat or the need for movement.

Me:  I seem to be having moments where I just feel like I’m a zombie. Not only is it exhaustion, but just this feeling of needing to be still. I find myself wanting to be quiet and just observe instead of interacting. There are also times when my joints really ache, particularly my knees.  What can I do to ease this?

Quan Yin: You need more water. As your body is becoming crystalline your organs are having to work harder to flush impurities from your body. This requires rest and more fluids, particularly clean water. It is very important to get in touch and communicate with your body, to understand the normal rhythm so that when changes come about you can infer if it is a problem needing attention or a momentary event.  Listening to your body in these moments will help ease your symptoms.  When your knees ache, your root chakra may not be functioning to move the energy through as it should. Understand that you receive energy from above and below. Any blocks to this flow will manifest as pain in the body. Tune in and listen.

Me: Thank you for all your help and guidance

Quan Yin: It is with great love that it is my pleasure to do so.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle. ❤  THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

^^^ Picture credit – unknown. If anyone knows who created the picture, please let me know. Thank you! ^^^


Look with Fresh Eyes to all Around you – Quan Yin 3/23/16




Can you feel the changes that are taking place within you, your fellow man and your planet? This is a very exciting time as we watch more and more of you reach the 5D frequency. From here all are given the option to continue their growth, raising their frequency higher and higher. With each frequency elevation, which is also referred to as dimensions, you will be able to embody more of your soul. As the light amount raises within your form your soul is able to merge within you more and more. It is during this time that you will remember who you truly are. With each incremental increase you will be challenged to continue working through the layers of consciousness of the matrix. You will be shown where your thoughts, beliefs and actions may or may not be in alignment with the higher light frequencies. All that is not part of a heart centered existence will have to leave. It can not co-exist any longer as you continue on this journey.

The second wave of Ascension is occurring in these moments. This is a wonderful thing as with each person that crosses the threshold of the 5D it creates a momentum that allows others to follow with greater ease. Though for many they may find that the physical act of holding more light quickly will have ramifications as the body adjusts. We ask that those who have been through the symptoms become guides to help keep fear lowered. Help them understand that it is the new norm and that it will pass.

There has been much disinformation regarding the 5th Dimension and its higher frequency. It is your platform to the greater energies, your platform for merging with your soul and remembering who you are. It is your doorway to sustainable existence and the abundance you seek in all ways. It is doorway to a healed earth and likewise a healed form. It is however, only a doorway. None of the changes you seek will be instantaneous but they will be steady if you allow. There are many of you that crossed the threshold to the 5D within the last 6 months but there is a lack of belief. The expectations did not match the reality and it caused many to go into fear and doubt. It is the inability to see the changes that causes suffering and the replaying of old programming which keeps one attached to the reality left behind.

This is why we ask each of you regardless of where you are in your journey to look with fresh eyes and an open heart at each moment. Write down the synchronicities, the joyous moments and the progress made. When you adjust your expectations to see the beauty in the small things you will find that your life will operate within the flow of source energy. You may notice that you are listening to your intuition more and thereby avoiding unpleasant events in your life. The change may be viewable in your interactions with others where before there was tension. You may notice your increased ability to observe yourself and others. The ability to see your thoughts and behaviors and then choosing a different course. Your proof may come in increased communications received in dreams, meditations and a greater sensitivity to communication with other realms.

These are all wonderful confirmations of your growth. When you write down these events you are then able to look back in the moments when you feel that you couldn’t possibly have changed and grown.  Think on children who physically grow but are not aware until they put on clothing that no longer fits. Often it is others who see the growth prior to the child’s realization. It is for this reason it is important to surround yourself with those who are able to see your progress, who champion your success and help keep you on track when you deviate from the light within you. We ask you to see how expectations could be keeping you from seeing the beauty in front of you. Once you are secure in yourself it will be you who helps others maintain their light during this journey of remembering.

Allow this to help you see the new in every moment, in yourself, others, and the world around you. Look for the changes, they are there. All of you are being asked to remain in your heart center, it is from this position that you will not only find all that you have been looking for but help guide others as well.

Deep love and admiration for you all,

Quan Yin



Personal Conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: I had a dream recently where I had this black growth on my leg, it was as big as my fist. I showed it to my husband and said that it was really odd because I didn’t know what it was and it didn’t hurt. I told him that I might need to go to the doctor but then I squeezed it and it opened up to show me a deep cavern in my leg that held these beautiful white and purple crystals. I woke realizing that it was a message from spirit showing me that the crystalline process was indeed taking place and not to fear the changes taking place even when I feel rough.

Quan Yin: Yes, many are dreaming of crystals and are also finding that communication with their crystals in increasing. When each of you share these messages it helps others through this process as well.

Me: Many are reporting an increase in communication with the animals, their pets and even wild animals.

Quan Yin: As more and more raise their vibration and return to their natural state, this communication will be quite natural. It is the communication of trust and love. Your pets are helping you to see the changes within you and the nature animals are helping to bring messages from spirit and to show you that they too are evolving.

Me:  I am seeing in people’s lives, including my own where there are doors closing that seemed to be viable and good. At the same time other doors are opening, but it has led to confusion.

Quan Yin: Your earth is no longer participating in duality and timelines. While you still have duality being enacted, it is the playing out of the collective consciousness which allows others to work through their beliefs and layers. Timelines are being dissolved or absorbed into one. What was once a viable path may no longer be in your best interest now. Trust that all that is taking place is in your absolute highest good and for the betterment of your growth.

Me: There seems to be an urgency in the collective, a fear that things must change now or there will be dire consequences. Are we at a turning point where Ascension as a whole will not take place if certain conditions do not happen?

Quan Yin: No, the decision for earth and her people to Ascend was made long ago. Nothing is going to stop the incoming light and the growth that is occurring. What is not decided is how long duality will continue to play out in the world around you. Each one of you that chooses a heart centered existence and chooses to love all around them will help direct the course.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have me. Thank you to all who share this work, it means more than you know. I am sending  all the love and blessings we can handle.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com

Facebook group to keep up to date on the energies: https://www.facebook.com/channelingthemasters/


 Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.


You are being shown areas within that need Love – Quan Yin





Greetings! We are pleased to be able to report that tremendous progress is being made with in all those who have awakened and are awakening. For some this will come as a surprise because they feel as if they are on a never ending ride that only escalates in intensity. We want you to understand that from our perspective, we are able to see how this energy has brought much to the surface for healing and has allowed aspects of yourself to simply be left behind, if you choose. While many feel that they have returned to where they have once been, they need to understand that it so that they have the opportunity to choose different, to create a new pathway for themselves.

At this time much is taking place in your dream time. You may be shown possibilities in your life, areas that need addressed and most importantly you may be working on healing past lives. If you are waking and not remembering your dreams this is not cause for alarm and in some cases it is for your protection so that you do not bring the trauma experienced forward. For those that are ready, very important past lives are being brought to the surface, lives that one could consider dark or the very opposite of your soul.  Understand that all of you have had both, you have had lives filled with joy and light and you have had lives filled with darkness. Both are valuable for soul growth. How can you appreciate one without the other as contrast? However, the most important lesson for you to understand is that you are all things, light, dark, and in between. There is no judgement for those lives as they have allowed you to grow and become the ascending soul that you are today.  Many of you when confronted with your darker life have gone into self-hate or self-recrimination.  Even those unaware of what was shown to them are finding that their self-worth and self-esteem has suffered. Many are experiencing intense doubts due to these issues resurfacing.  Understand that the purpose is not for you to see what is lacking with you but for you to love and forgive all aspects of yourself. It is intended for you to see where duality has served you and has allowed you to experience much.

As you work to forgive yourself and come to understand that you are neither light nor dark as a soul, you will find balance within. As you leave behind the judgement of duality within yourself, you will also be able to leave behind the views you still hold of judgement to your fellow man. When you understand that the brightest of souls have also experienced lives as darkness and that it only made them shine brighter will you finally be able to truly forgive.  In by understanding that duality does not need to exist will you be able to create new systems, new ways of being that are loving and non-judgmental of those who do not understand the need for change at this time. You will be able to create new pathways within yourself and the world around you not from a space of light, but from a space of love. When you create from this vibration, the work will attract many, it will open many to begin exploring their own soul.

Never before has loving one’s self and all your aspects, the light and dark been more important. So many of you are emerging from your cocoons, stronger and ready to create the reality you want, even if the direction is still unclear.  This is wonderful and we feel excited to see what will be created, but urge you to make sure that you leave all judgments of others, including those you deem as dark behind you. In order for your creations, your visions for the future to reach their full potential, they must be centered from your heart that no longer holds duality.

It is also an important time to connect with like souls. Many of you have been in isolation, except for your connections over the internet. Many are awakened and more are awakening every day, you no longer need to feel so alone. Find the groups or create your own that allow you to connect physically, socially, and spiritually. As each of you emerge more powerful and able to stand in your truth you will find this magnified when you begin to connect with others. For some this may seem scary, let that go as it is old programming that has no place in your future. Allow yourself to connect, dream and build the future you want without fear.

With all my devotion,

Quan Yin


Personal Note:

I was recently shown a past life where I had a life that could be considered dark. I was meditating when I was pulled into a room where I watched a group of people manipulate energy grids. I didn’t understand why I was being shown this and I was completely shocked to find that one of the manipulators was me.  I understood that in their own perverse way they thought they were helping, it was all “for the greater good” but what it did was manipulate free will. I was saddened, confused and a little scared. Guides shared with me that I needed to see this so that I could forgive this piece of myself and look at. However, most importantly, it showed me why I have been hesitant about walking in my power, about really owning my worth. Deep down, I feared that if I walked in my personal power which includes guiding others to find their own, that I would be again manipulate free will. That truth was such a revelation for me and much in my life as far as self-talk (not the good kind) made sense. The guides assured me that I had learned well in that life and it was a mistake that I won’t repeat as long as I remain heart centered.

It took me a few days to come to peace with this and Quan Yin’s words really spoke to me. It’s time to love myself completely, with no judgement and by doing so I can also give that to the world.

In talking to a friend about reoccurring cycles, it brought to mind just how many of us are having physical things come up again. It is an opportunity to move through the event without fear and to also reexamine the emotions that were created and how much we have held in our bodies. I have had a re occurrence of back issues in the past 8 weeks that brought up so many emotions from three back surgeries and a summer in a nursing home.  It was enough that I went back to the spine specialist and had an MRI. The tests determined that I had in fact experience a cerebral fluid leak but it had walled off and stopped. While I was shocked that my back had done this again as it did in 2010, 2013, and now 2016. What a pattern. Yet this time, I didn’t go into fear. I was more in observation mode and I listened to my body and rested. My pattern has been to totally ignore my body and push and push as if I had something to prove. This time, I reacted different and the results were different, the body had healed and no further surgery is needed and I am able to process and let go of those very crippling emotions. 

I am holding all of you in the highest light and with the deepest love. May you all be blessed. Thank all of you who have shared and supported this work.  It means more than you will ever know.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com 

If you need to contact me, please email at spiritreadings444@gmail.com

Join the facebook group and keep up to date on the energy fluctuations!https://www.facebook.com/channelingthemasters/

Copyright 2016,  Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **



Deep Healing and Integration Taking Place – Quan Yin



Greetings! We come to you today with important information regarding what is taking place in this Now. The next few months will be very pivotal not only for your growth but the planet as a whole. While many of you were hoping that things would smooth themselves after the the New Year, understand that a vote was taken to continue this accelerated course. Each of you on this path received a vote and your highest aspect consulted with you in dream time to receive your input. Understand that for each one that merges with their soul, hundreds around them are affected. While each of you are creating your own reality, your own hologram, you are also participating in the collective hologram as well. The more awakened the beings participating in the hologram, the more you will see the world and all of it’s beings change in response.

The stream of light consciousness entering your world will continue at a steady pace. One’s growth is dependent solely on how fast one is able to integrate and utilize the light codes. While each of you are at different stages there are patterns and rhythms that will allow you understand what another is experiencing in varying degrees. Now more than ever, self care, self love is very important. As these codes are digging deep within your belief system to root out all that is not in alignment, you will find that you will feel depleted rather quickly. Taking great care of your form will aid in assimilation. Exercise designed to move energy through your body and aid in releasing will be beneficial. Ensuring that your hydration and nutritional needs are met is also imperative. Listen to your form, which has consciousness and honor what the body needs to move through this time with as great of ease as possible. Rest and limiting exposure to electronic signals will allow the body to recharge at a faster rate. Be aware of your thinking  and make sure that you are your biggest supporter, your greatest champion.

At this time much is happening within as each of you embody more and more of your soul. All facades, masks and personas that are not in alignment with your truest aspect will be shown to you. How one handles this will depend on if the person is ready for true, lasting change. We understand that coming face to face with your layers, your masks is not a comfortable process. Many of you have created identities and personas to help aid you through the lower vibrating earth as a form of protection. Some of you have shed layers as you awakened only to create new ones, putting yourself once again in a box of limitation. Those must now come down, it is safe for you to allow all these layers protecting your precious soul to come down. What was once protection is now holding you from your potential. As these become evident, you will be able to see them for what they were; protection for your soul. View them without judgement. Realize that though you fear being hurt as so many of your tender souls have been, that you are now ready to move forward and walk in your power, confident in your abilities to exact change in all areas. You must silence the inner critic, the one that holds you in place with fear or dogma as there is no place for this in the light.

There will be those who when shown their layers and masks and being  unable to face their fears will continue with their facade until they are ready. There is no judgement with this as each soul is on their own timeline and much has been learned through masks as it is another way to explore life in form. Some of you will see yourselves for the first time and look into the mirror thinking that you have lost yourself and that all meaning become irrelevant. This is not the case dear ones, this is simply you leaving behind the old and embracing who you truly are. It is a process and not something that happens in an instant. Take this time to really examine all you have held dear, all you have believed, all that you have been told and allow your heart to lead you to your truth.

At this time much will be brought to light and examined. Forgiveness of self and others is very important. You must see each moment, each action taken by you or another as an opportunity given for you to grow and learn. Judgement must be left behind as you begin to see the soul behind every being on this planet.  To judge another is to judge yourself, adding more for you to release. See the beauty in all lessons, all experiences and you will feel yourself lighten considerably. Understand that forgiveness is also a process and many of you may be revisiting moments that you have previously thought healed. This means that these emotions are held deep within your layers and are awaiting final forgiveness so that it no longer impacts who you are. Remember, it is you who chooses what to bring forward and what not to in your now. In each moment make the conscious choice to remember who you are, remember your soul, and not the layers that have encompassed you in this life.

Holding you in high regard and with deep love,

Quan Yin


Personal conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: A while ago I was shown a bucket within me that I needed to keep filled with golden light. This represented my energy levels and I was urged to make sure that I always keep my bucket full. Recently I was shown that bucket  but it had an overflow spout leading to other buckets and I was urged to fill each one as much as I can. That it was important to make sure I was placing my needs first.

Quan Yin:  It has never been more important. Many of you are being called upon to stabilize the energy around you while you are also integrating the deep changes within. If self care is not made a priority, one could find themselves quite depleted. Each person knows intuitively what feeds their soul, this is of great importance.  

Me: My 7 year old shared with me that she feels pain, holds it (as she put her hand over her heart chakra) I asked her what about and she sat there and told me for everything. The kids who won’t let her play at school, the boy who said he had a crush on her but lied, the kids who pick on the kids who have problems, for the bugs that get squished, for all the animals that get abused, and the sad stories she hears. As I was sitting there listening, it hit me that so many of us felt those things too as kids in one form or another… but many of us shoved it down, disconnected and believed it  when  we were told we were too sensitive.  It brought me to layers of pain I didn’t realize existed to that degree within me. 

Quan Yin: This is what I refer to as the walls built to protect your soul. It is a distortion and must be changed. Too feel everything deeply is your soul, it is your highest aspect. When one feels this deeply how can they possibly harm another. Many are seeing the truth in those core emotions and removing the filters that kept them deeply hidden. It is safe now, you can feel as you should, you are not alone and so many, many more are realizing this truth. 

Me: How do I help my child with her deep pain?

Quan Yin: Teach her compassion, teach her forgiveness and teach her self love. With those three attributes she will keep feeling but will be at peace. One feels anxiety not because they feel the emotions, but rather they allow others to make them feel wrong or different for feeling them. She will keep her compassion and through forgiveness understand the greater plan. 

Me: Quite a few clients have used the words “reset” to describe what they are feeling in these moments. I find that interesting.

Quan Yin: Yes a deep reset is taking place. Each person is being given the opportunity to change within them all that is not accurate for who they are, all that does not resonate within. 

Me: Some are hearing a heart beat in their right ear. What is that, what is the purpose?

Quan Yin: Their body is being tuned to the frequency of the shifting earth. Not all will hear this, but all are being tuned. We recommend that those who hear this heart beat, connect themselves to the earth, to Gaia and commune with her, experiencing her love and grace.

I hope my questions and answers have helped you as they have me. I am holding all of you in the highest light and with the deepest love. May you all be blessed. Thank all of you who have shared and supported this work as facebook continues to restrict my ability to share these posts.   It means more than you will ever know.


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com Special for the New Years! Take 20% off all readings and classes. Enter NEW YEAR in the discount/coupon code when checking out. Offer expires on 1/31/16.

Join the facebook group and keep up to date on the energy fluctuations!https://www.facebook.com/channelingthemasters/

If you would like to obtain a personal spirit guide reading, please click on this link for more information. https://channelingthemasters.wordpress.com/loved-onespirit-guide-readings/ 

For information on personalized Ascension guidance sessions, please click this link. New class listings and descriptions are updated.  https://channelingthemasters.wordpress.com/ascension-guidance-sessions/

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

The incredible image on this posting can be found at www.lightworkerenergyart.com

Patterns being revealed – Quan Yin – 12/3/2015




We are most excited about the current amount of light that you and your planet are now holding. This intensity of light will continue from this point forward and the body will adjust in increments.  While this has been a tumultuous time, much density has been and is being cleared from the collective and the personal form.  All that does not serve the light is being brought to the surface within you and in the collective as a whole. Patterns of behavior and thoughts are coming to the forefront now to be addressed and released.

For some these are patterns that are deeply rooted in all layers of the being and are not easily recognized. It is this reason that the energy seeks to highlight this pattern by making it more obvious and exaggerated. While uncomfortable it is necessary for the individual and the collective to experience a resurgence of all behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that are not in alignment. It is in this way that they become recognizable and undeniable. From the point of seeing a pattern one can then make a conscious choice to do different. The repeating of the patterns is how one’s power is given away. These beliefs, thoughts and actions must be changed in order to reach your full potential.

While you may feel that you are caught in a loop of undesired emotions, thoughts and behaviors, understand that each moment you choose to react differently you are then rewriting the programs that are running and in some cases you are creating new ones. This must happen in order for your original template to be restored to allow for your highest aspect to be completely embodied. In each moment, you have a choice on how you respond to what you are being shown. For some this is a theme that has been present throughout your entire life and has presented itself in all areas of your life. Are you able to see where this pattern has impacted you and how it has hindered your development? This is showing you where you have given your personal power away. Some may recognize the repeated response ingrained deep within, yet feel that they are unable to make the change. Understand that the effects of the pattern will only continue to intensify as the light on your planet and within you does the same.  We ask that upon recognizing that which is not in alignment that you examine where it has impacted every area of your life, this will allow you to see where you can make different choices, rewriting the programming within.

While your soul has learned much from this experience, it is time to move beyond. Now is the time that each of you needs to step into your power, into your divinity, remembering who you are. Each of you that embodies a heart centered existence helps to transform all around you. It is through your heart that you will see the change that you so wish to see.

We are excited and encouraged by the great changes taking place.

Quan Yin


Personal Conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: My biggest pattern is self-sabotage in the form of not taking care of my physical body, though not eating right and not exercising and with that comes the really negative self talk.

Quan Yin: All patterns are a form of self-sabotage. It is through your actions or inaction that you give your power away.

Me: So if I decide to eat poorly, neglect the physical body, gain weight etc. continuing a lifelong pattern, is that in my highest good?

Quan Yin: Yes

Me: Wait. If I exercise, treat my body well, eat well and control the inner dialog is that in my highest good?

Quan Yin: Yes…. You seem surprised. If you need to experience the repercussions of neglecting your body, of not embodying your highest self in these moments, then there is still growth and experience that your soul is needing. However, it is your choice and at any moment you can choose a new path, new actions.

Me: So it’s a question of can I love myself enough to stop sabotaging my health and well-being. 

Quan Yin: Yes. Are you ready to embody all that you are? To love yourself completely?

Me: Yes, though I feel it’s like climbing a mountain.

Quan Yin: All mountains are climbed one step at a time.

I share this dialog with you because I know that each of you have your own forms of self-sabotage and there is no shame in this. It’s what we choose as our challenge to overcome as we return to self. For me, the pattern is obvious. I know what to eat and how to exercise so that my body feels good. I know what not to do because of how it feels when I do it. I will start a program or eat as I should for a time and my body will sing in relief. Yet, something will come up to break the routine (small thing really) and I will simply stop doing what makes me feel good.I will tell myself all sorts of stuff to justify why I stopped. However, the truth is I sabotage myself. This is my challenge to love myself enough to care for myself so that I feel good and like I can take on the world and any circumstance.

These patterns can take so many forms. Some may cripple themselves with doubt, some may sabotage their opportunities by not acting on them, and some put themselves last in all ways: relationships, employment, parenthood etc. Others may repeat the pattern of not seeing their worth or attracting to themselves people who damage their sense of self.  My point is that WE ALL have something we are working through. It is not easy to rewrite a pattern that has existed for so long in all our layers. So we need to be gentle with ourselves, celebrate the victories and not beat ourselves up for the missteps. This is a marathon, not a sprint and we do this one step at a time by being brutally honest with ourselves and owning all of our stuff. Bring it out into the light.

Much love and blessings to you all. Thank you to all who share these messages, it means the world.



 To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com

Acoustic Health interview with Lauren Galey: Psychic Awakenings: Communicating with Higher Realms http://www.acoustichealth.com/HCs7jenny.htm

Gift certificates for readings are available. Email spiritreadings444@gmail.com for details. 

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Image credited to: http://www.anamcarawellness.com/

X-wave energy flooding into earth – Quan Yin – 9-25-2015




We come to you in celebration as the X-wave energies are flooding into your earth plane changing all around you. How this waves affects you is completely different for each person and we understand that this may create uncertainty and doubt into your field. Some of you are making profound leaps in your thinking and achieving astonishing clarity. Others are feeling more of the energies and the joy that this brings as you move and connect with the unified field. Others are feeling physical symptoms that overshadow much in their intensity. Some are not feeling much with this wave and this has created fear. Understand that all are being affected by this wave in varying degrees and none are being “left behind”. This belief is only an illusion that creates fear and limits your ability to take in the energies that are surrounding you in these moments.

Think on a symphony performance. When you are sitting far away you are able to hear the music but not distinguish the individual instruments. As you move closer to the music you are then able to distinguish individual instruments but when you move even closer still you are able to distinguish the subtle harmonies and undertones. This relates directly to your vibration and the amount of density you have cleared from your form. You are only able to distinguish and utilize what your vibrational level is able to process in these moments. For some that means front row seats at the symphony and for others it means hearing it play softly in the background. Neither is right nor wrong but perfect for where you are in your development.

Understand that while this wave is creating a momentum of clearing and growth and its strength will dissipate the codes that accompanied the wave will not leave your earth. Therefore as you progress onward on your journey you will be able to access all the codes when you are ready. For even those that are only hearing the symphony from far away will eventually hear it as if they are in the front row seats once they are ready. As each of you clear more density and fear from your form, thereby liberating your highest aspect to merge more completely, you will naturally access the codes that are being grounded into your earth at this time. There is no reason to fear that a window of opportunity has been missed.  Allow yourself to be exactly where you are, resisting little, fearing little and you will then open yourself up to receiving all that you are capable to receive at this time.

For those that are finding their interactions are rousing deep emotions and whose life situations are becoming unbearable, we ask that you view these situations as a gift. It is in these moments that those that cause you the most turmoil are helping to excavate what has been buried deep, perhaps hidden even to yourself. This can be very unsettling as you are coming to terms with aspects of yourself that need changing or releasing. In each moment you have a choice. One can rage against the emotions and the circumstances, seeing the injustice or one can quietly acknowledge that even the most painful situations and interactions is designed to help.  In expressing gratitude for the clarity of vision, the uncovering of hidden emotions that must be healed, you will move through the lesson much faster.

Many of you are feeling the pull of the past, past memories, situations and relationships. These are being pulled from within so that you may examine them, look at the lesson intended and purposely decide that you no longer need to bring this forward into your world. Once you have completely resolved and  healed you will find that you naturally do not carry the pain forward, only the soul experience. In this way, you are being given an opportunity to set yourself free by leaving in the past what no longer needs to be brought forward. Allow this wave of incredible energy to aid you in working through all that does not belong in the new. When a memory comes unbidden, look at the lesson, the gift and simply let it pass with simple observation. It is emotion that brings it into what you are creating in every moment. You have the power to move through all life on earth has taught and remember who you are.

With tremendous joy and celebration,

Quan Yin



Personal conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: I was talking with AA Raziel this morning about the process and what it really takes to ascend and he told me the most profound thing he said “There is a difference between striving to ascend and striving to remember. One says that you are having to work for it, the other says you all ready are.”

Quan Yin: Yes! What you are doing is remembering and through remembering you clear all that you chose to incarnate with, the beliefs, the lessons, the density is cleared. This is your work, clearing what is not truly you and remembering who you are. You do this by not resisting all that is intended to help you. The hardest part is the resistance, once you release the resistance and see the beauty of all that has happened you will enter the flow of the universe. It is in this flow is where manifestation happens.

Me: I am finding that where I am resisting the flow is with my child. There were plans that she had, playing college sports and getting her degree on a scholarship. She recently was injured, had major shoulder surgery and it is unclear if she will be able to play again. It is has been a struggle to remember to see that all happens for a reason and in our highest good. On one level I know that all will work out as it should, but on another I find myself wishing I can manifest a perfectly healed body and the drive to continue for her. I get completely that this is a lesson in allowing and trusting, yet I find I am anxious. 

Quan Yin: You have anxiety because you want to manifest for others, to help them create the life that you feel is best, but you can not. Once you master yourself, you are here to master relationships and by master I mean simply let go and see the beauty in the process. It is through acceptance that everything is there for growth that you truly grow.

Me: Thank you

Quan Yin: Do not worry, you are doing perfectly fine, obtaining clarity.

I hope my questions and answers help you in the same way it did me.  Sending you and myself all the love we can handle. May you be blessed and receive healing 




If you would like to obtain a personal spirit guide reading, please click on this link for more information. https://channelingthemasters.wordpress.com/loved-onespirit-guide-readings/ 

For information on personalized Ascension guidance sessions, please click this link. New class listings and descriptions are updated.  https://channelingthemasters.wordpress.com/ascension-guidance-sessions/

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

The beautiful artwork can be found at http://www.delightfulknowledge.com/vitakinesis-healing-abilities-subliminal-healing-training